What were you think

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Sasha couldn't believe Bayley would do this. Trish brought the first aid kit over to Sasha and Bayley. "Sasha, let me clean up Bayley cut. Your teeth are out and you might lose control." Trish said. Sasha step into the office so she could get herself under control. Sasha was mad but wanted to cry she couldn't believe Bayley would take such a risk. Sasha couldn't take it anymore, she needed to get answers. "Bayley hold still so I can add a few stitches. I'm assuming you will heel when you sleep or maybe when you shift?" Trish asked.

"Either way will do the trick but this helps to make sure no scar will be left. Thank you for stitching this up." Bayley said. Sasha text Becky, "Hey can you make sure no one goes to the garden area. Bayley needs to shift for awhile." Becky replied a few minutes later. "I'm sure I can make it happen. How much time do you think she would need. I probably could give her an hour."  Sasha replied back "Thank you, we will be down in 30 minutes and I'll text you when we are heading down." Sasha walks back into the lab and waited for her mom to finish up with Bayley.

Sasha just stared at Bayley hand and still was lost for words. "Well let eat before the food gets cold please." Sasha said. Sasha handed her mom and Bayley their food. "Thank you for getting this it smells good." Bayley told Sasha. Bayley went to kiss Sasha cheek but Sasha moved away. " Your welcome" Sasha said coldly. Bayley knew Sasha was mad at her. Bayley didn't feel like eating anymore and pushed the container away. Bayley got up and started looking at her experiment, she didn't feel like just sitting there in silence.

Sasha watched Bayley push her food away and get up . Sasha thought Bayley might walk out but Bayley just went back to work. Sasha knew Bayley was hurt when she didn't let her kiss cheek. Trish leaned over and asked "Why are you being so hard on Bayley. I don't think she meant to do it. I've seen Roman due worse to himself to move forward in his projects. Call me when you are ready for me." Trish said.

Trish walked over Bayley and hugged her from behind. "Everything will workout my dear" Trish whispered to Bayley. "Thank you" Bayley replied. Bayley continue to look over her stuff and taken notes. "Are you going to tell me what you were thinking? What if something went wrong and you lost another life? Did you not think about that? Your not alone anymore, you have me. You don't have to take these risk!" Sasha yelled at Bayley.

Sasha waited for Bayley to say something but she just stayed quiet. Truth was that Bayley knew Sasha was right. Bayley always took risk on her projects and never really never thought about what it would do to anyone else if something happen. "All I can say is I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about what would happen if it went wrong. I was just thinking about helping you with the transformation and my mom for the cure. Having someone with me is new to me." Bayley tells Sasha.

"How many times have you cut yourself for your projects?" Sasha asked. Than something else came to mind after asking the question. "Bayley, how many times have you cut yourself for whatever reason?" Sasha asked again. Bayley turned her back to Sasha because she knew it would upset her. Sasha didn't like the fact Bayley couldn't look at her. "Well when I was younger I noticed I could heel myself when I slept. I was being bullied and the girl pushed me down. I had scraped on my hand and knees. Charlotte beat the crap out of the girl for it and I was the one that got in trouble for not standing up for myself. That's the day my mom found out Rick would make me seat in the corner until she got home. I had fallen asleep where I was at and when she came home she was mad at Rick making seat in the corner.

She went to clean up my hands and knees but I healed. My mom was surprised but didn't say anything to me. I was curious to see if I could do it again. I cut my wrist open with a razor blade. I cut just enough not to have to be rushed to the emergency room. I wrapped my arm up and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up and checked my wrist, the cut was healed. In high school the bullying started again, and I was pushed into a glass trophy case. The glass cute my arm really bad and I had to go to the emergency room to get stitched up.

Charlotte once again stepped in and took control of the issue but the damage was done. My mom meet us at the emergency room and took us home. I automatically went to the corner to seat. My mom was mad and upset this kept happening to me. Charlotte and Michael both promised my mom that they would watch over me. My arm once again healed while I slept but I was already falling into depression. Rick was right no one wants to be friends with someone that doesn't stand up for themselves." Bayley said.

Sasha was trying to process what Bayley was saying and before she could say anything Bayley continue. "I started taking more risk to fit in with Charlotte friends. We went cliff diving and I got pushed from behind from one of Charlotte friends. I was lucky I didn't land on the rocks but the wave pushed me hard into the rocks. I ended up breaking my arm and almost drowned. Michael had gone in after me and pulled me out of the water. I realize than, none of them were ever going to like me. Micheal got me to the emergency room and I got my cast put on my arm. Me and my mom both knew I would heal once I slept. My mom told me I had to keep the cast on for the six week's." Bayley said

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