Dinner PT 2

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Bayley put all the plates together and than set the plates on the table. "Mom do you need a bottle of blood?" Bayley asked. "No I'm good, I really don't drink blood anymore." Linda said. "That's what you are missing the B blood. Can you please drink a bottle for me." Bayley asked. "Ok I will have a bottle for you. Will you tell me why?" Linda said. "I think that's what your body is missing and if I'm right I can find the missing vitamin to make a cure." Bayley said. Sasha love watching Bayley getting excited over a lead. "Here is a bottle of A for you Becky and B for you babe. Trish and Charlotte here is a glass of red wine." Bayley said.

"Bayley your not having a glass of wine with us?" Charlotte asked. "No, I'll be sticking with water. The full moon is soon and I don't need my blood to have alcohol in it." Bayley said. Sasha knew Bayley didn't want to harm the triplets or to Sasha. Sasha squeeze Bayley thigh under the table and slowly moved her hand up and down Bayley thigh. Bayley just smiled at Sasha and knew what she was trying to do. "How is the food everyone?" Bayley asked.

Everyone replied that the food was good. Linda wanted to know how they are preparing for the full moon. "With the full moon soon to be here, how are you handling the change Sasha?" Linda asked. Charlotte and Becky where interested in how they were preparing for it. "Bayley and my mom have  been helping me research what to expect. I've been drinking Bayley blood on a daily bases to help with the transformation as well." Sasha said. "WoW what happens to you when you transform" Becky asked "I'm still not sure what to expect." Sasha said.

"I can answer that question. As the moon raises the body starts to change. You basically start feeling your body starts to stretch. The bones start to crack and than it's over. You don't change back to yourself until the sunrise. I found I see thing clearly at each shift." Linda said. Sasha continue to rub Bayley thigh and hope it was some comfort to her at the moment. "Bayley is it the same way for you as well." Charlotte asked.

"It probably is but I really don't give it much thought. I just shift. It's almost second nature to me." Bayley said. "Bayley been able to shift since she been 1 year old. That very rare because most children don't start shifting until 10 or 11." Linda said. "That is interesting, so if you needed to shift at the full moon Bayley did too." Trish asked. "Yes, I was able to watch over her during the full moon. I would rent a cabin for 3 days so we could run in the forest together." Linda said. "Over all how would you rate transformation from 1-10. I'm asking because we want to make this as easy for Sasha as possible." Trish asked.

"Pain was on a scale of 7. I'm not sure if pain killers would work. I know feeding off my late husband did help. If I was able to have more time I think it would have been a lot easier for me." Linda said. "Well we really won't know until the full moon." Trish said. "So, are you two planning on having kids?" Charlotte asked. Bayley looked at Sasha before answering "the truth be told we are expecting triplets. Before you ask I was the one that got Sasha pregnant. We haven't told anyone. We are waiting until after the full moon to make sure everything is ok." Bayley told everyone. "Mom did you know I'm going to be an aunt! I'm so happy for you guys." Charlotte said. Becky just smiled and felt there was hope for her and Charlotte. "Congrats you two, both of you will be great parents." Becky said.

Linda was shocked that Sasha was having triplets. "How long did the you feel the sensation in your body?" Linda asked. "It was about 4 hours and Roman ran a sonogram confirming the 3 heart beats." Sasha said. "Are you sure there not a 4th baby there." Linda asked. "Mom we only heard 3 heart beats so I don't think their 4 babies." Bayley said. Sasha couldn't think straight, what if Linda was right. "Well maybe you should move into a bigger home. The babies won't have a lot room to move around here." Linda said.

"Mom, I already bought a new house. For Sasha and the triplets and I prefer to keep it on the down load. You know my reason why." Bayley said. Linda looked at Bayley with pride and was so happy for her and Sasha. "I'm so proud of you Bayley for stepping up and making sure your family is safe. Will I be able to see this house you bought?" Linda asked. "We would love to have you over once we are done setting it up." Sasha said to Linda. Than Sasha looked over to Charlotte "Charlotte you and Becky are welcome as well to visit."

"Thank you for the invite but will I be able to watch the triplets?" Charlotte asked. "We will see but we do want you to know the triplets." Bayley said. "Thank you Bayley and Sasha that means a lot to me. Becky we could practice when we have kids." Charlotte said. "Do I need to get the triplets their own clearance to get in the building?" Becky asked. "Well I guess we will have to ask the head of security." Trish said. "Will the triplets be ok during the transformation?" Charlotte asked.

"The triplets will be ok during the transformation." Bayley said. Sasha could see worry in Bayley eyes so she rubbed Bayley thigh. Bayley smiled at Sasha and kissed her cheek. "Will we get to see a wedding out of you two?" Linda asked. "Not right now maybe a year from the day we got married." Bayley told her mom. Linda placed her hand on Bayley and just smiled at her. "Should I ask how you how your relationship is with Becky." Linda asked Charlotte.

"I love Becky she makes me happy and I would love to have what Sasha and Bayley does." Charlotte said. "I love you to babe, I never thought I would find someone that makes me so happy. I would like to ask you to merry me? If your mom would give me her blessings." Becky said getting on one knee. "Becky you have my blessing. You do make her so happy." Linda said. "Well Charlotte will you merry me?" Becky asked "yes I will merry you!" Charlotte said kissing Becky.

Sasha had an idea and it could work for them. "Congrats you two, how would you like to have this apartment? Me and Bayley will be leaving here soon and it would be great place for you two." Sasha said.
Becky knew this would be a safe place for her to sleep during the day. Charlotte could still be at the White House. "That is so nice of you and it would work great for Becky." Charlotte said. "Thank you Sasha it would workout for us." Becky said.

"Well I guess we have a wedding to plan between Charlotte and Becky. Than what do you need for the triplets?" Linda asked. "That's a good question, have you guys bought anything for the triplets yet?" Trish asked. "No not yet, we will get on it." Sasha said. "Well I need to get back to the White House and thank you for dinner. Trish it was nice meeting you, you have a wonderful daughter." Linda said hugging Trish. "Thanks for coming everyone we will have to do this again." Bayley said hugging her mom and Charlotte good bye. Linda, Charlotte and Becky soon left and than Sasha took her mom to the office. Few minutes later Sasha was back at the apartment.
"Should we start packing and move into are new home?" Sasha asked.

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