Moving in

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Bayley went and grabbed the staff and a few other items. Bayley wanted to make sure the staff was with them first. "How are we going to get all your stuff to the new house?" Bayley asked. "Well we really don't need any of the furniture since we bought all new stuff. So, if Becky wants it she could have it. Let's get all clothes together and I can teleport that to the house and we could see what else we want. We could get the day guard to get the big things." Sasha tells Bayley.

"I don't want you to over do it babe. There no rush bring all the stuff to the house right away." Bayley said. Sasha was thankful for Bayley watching out for her but something Linda said at dinner got Sasha thinking. "Bayley, could we go get another sonogram done after we take are clothes to the house?" Sasha asked. "Sure are you feeling ok. Should we be worried there something wrong." Bayley said walking up to Sasha. "Everything feels fine, I just want to make sure we are good to go." Sasha said hugging Bayley.

Sasha teleported the clothes to the house and went right back to the apartment. Soon everything they wanted to take right now was at the new house. Sasha felt a little tired but want to see Roman at SSI. Sasha was trying not to get her hopes up about there being a 4th baby. She knew that her and Bayley could have more kids if they wanted too. Sasha watched as Bayley made the bed with the sheets she washed. "Are you ready to go or do you need to feed really fast." Bayley asked.

"I could drink a bottle of blood right now. I don't want you to be out of it. I thank you for the offer." Sasha tells Bayley. "I understand, are you ready to go?" Bayley asked. "Babe, I know you are worried but everything will be ok. You know when I feed off you it takes you out for awhile. I want us to do this together." Sasha said kissing Bayley. "Your right I just don't want you to be hungry and I want you to be ok during the transformation." Bayley said returning Sasha kiss.

A few seconds later they were in front of  SSI. Sasha slides her pass in the key lock to let them in. They were meet by Roman and Liv. "Hello ladies how are you doing this evening?" Roman asked "we are both good. How are you two doing and the baby?" Sasha asked. "The baby is doing good? Your mom has been a big help to me." Liv said. Sasha smiled at Liv and was happy that her mom could help her out. Roman lead the ladies to his lab "Bayley, how's your research going?" Roman asked.

"I've had a couple of break through in the past couple of days. Vitamin E seems to have affected on the drug along with Vitamin B-1 as well. Than my mom made we start thinking about the type of blood each person is and how the drug effects them. I believe that the artificial blood might have another key to finding the cure." Bayley said. "That is an interesting idea and I'll send over a bottle of each of the blood type of the artificial blood to your lab and the type of each of the ones that are effected." Roman said entering his lab.

"Sasha please lay on the table and we will run the test on you. How have you been feeling as of late?" Roman asked Sasha. Bayley helped Sasha on to the table and held her hand. "I feel find, I noticed I want food not blood." Sasha said. "Bayley blood really has changed your eating. Bayley your just as special as your dad was when he was alive. Sasha remember this will be cold." Roman said. Roman put the gel on Sasha stomach and started the sonogram. Roman and Bayley both looked at the images on the screen. "Babe what's wrong?" Sasha asked worried. "There 4 babies in the image. They are cuddle up close to each other so the heart beats sound like one." Bayley said.

"We are having 4 babies? Can we tell what the sex are of them." Sasha asked. "No the way they are positioned we might not find out until you give birth. The size is telling me you would be at 4 months but in reality you are only a month." Roman tells them. "Are you telling me I might have are babies in a few month?" Sasha asked. "It looks like it unless it changes when you go through your transformation." Roman said.

"Roman is there a thick lining around the babies?" Bayley asked. "It looks like there is a thick lining." Roman said. Sasha knew the babies are protected with that lining in place. Now they needed to plan for another baby. Sasha heart was filled with love and happy that there was another baby. Bayley helped Sasha off the table and thanked Roman for running the test. Sasha wasn't sure what Bayley was thinking and followed Bayley back to their office. "Bayley are you ok? You haven't said much since we found out that we are having 4 instead of 3 babies." Sasha said.

Bayley walked into the office still not say much. Sasha started to worry that Bayley might run. Sasha shut the door so Bayley couldn't get out. Sasha watched Bayley seat down in front of her computer. "Bayley please talk to me. I know this is unexpected but we will handle it." Sasha said wrapping her arms around Bayley neck. Bayley grabbed Sasha arm and pulls her around to seat on Bayley lap. Bayley kissed Sasha and rubbed her hand on the baby bump.

"I'm just overwhelmed with the news and I won't lie that I'm worried about your safety and the babies. I'm sorry you are carrying more kids than you wanted." Bayley said. "Bayley, I'm excited and happy we are having the babies. You have given me something that wasn't supposed to be possible after I became a vampire." Sasha said. "Let's go home and finish unpacking. I guess we will have to buy another crib for the baby. We really need to start buying stuff for the babies. I love you with all my heart." Bayley said to Sasha. "I love you too. We really should go before my mom shows up. I not ready to tell her right now." Sasha said

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