Coming up with a plan

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After Sasha and Bayley finished pleasuring each other and getting cleaned up. They got ready for work. Sasha teleport them to the White House to check on Bayley mom. Sasha wasn't sure if Bayley was going to tell her mom yet. "Bayley, are you going to tell your mom that we are expecting or we going to keep it to are selves?" Sasha asked. "We can tell her if you want. I want to address what we heard last night. Plus, I want to know who sent secret service to the apartment. Are you ready to see my mom?" Bayley asked.

Sasha shook her head yes and they walked over to Bayley mom room.  Sasha held on to Bayley arm a little tighter "we will be ok my love please don't stress yourself out." Bayley said. "I know, I'm just worry this might not turn out the way we need it to." Sasha said. "Hello you two how are things going?" Linda said to them. "Hello mom how are you feeling today?" Bayley asked. "I'm feeling good today and I always feel better when you two visit. Sasha, you are glowing almost as if your pregnant?" Linda said.  Sasha smiled at Linda and said thank you. "Bayley did you pleasure Sasha in your tiger form?" Linda asked.

Sasha thought Bayley would denied her mom the answer but Bayley shook her head yes. Linda was so happy "did you feel a warm sensation forum though your body for an hour Sasha?" Linda asked. "Actual it lasted about few hours." Sasha said. Linda looked puzzled at first and than realized that Sasha might be having twins. "Mom, what's with the puzzle look for?" Bayley asked. "Well when the warm sensation last long than an hour it means you will be having twins. I'm so happy for both of you. But you both look worried about something?" Linda asked.

Bayley kissed Sasha forehead and looked at her mom. "We over heard Rick talking to Charlotte and than you. I know Rick wants me to go back military lab. I'm telling you now that his control of me is over. Sasha and you are my top concern and I'm not leaving Sasha for anyone. I want to know who sent secret service around Roman property? Bayley told her mom. Sasha was so proud of Bayley and was happy she was standing up for herself.

"I'm happy you are taking a stand and I'm proud of you. I'm not sure who sent them but I will find out. I told Rick last night that he needs to leave you alone. I know now you aren't going to put your wife or babies in danger. Like I told Rick last night that I'm ok for you to move to Boston. I know you aren't going to want to be away from Sasha. If your dad was here he would tell you to stay by her side. Now for your transformation the babies are protected and the night you give birth it will before the full moon rises." Linda told them.

"Linda Rick really seem determined to make Bayley work at the military lab. I'm not going to let that happen." Sasha said. Linda smiled at Sasha before saying anything. "I know and I'm not happy about it. Bayley has been so happy since you came into her life and now I'm going to be a grandma I'm over the moon. But I need to apologize to you Bayley. When your dad died I got overly protective of you and than I let my guard down. I let Rick bully you and I didn't let you grow. Even though you turned out great you could have been even greater if I would have let you live your own life. I know it will take time for us to heel but I'm hoping you will let it happen." Linda said to Bayley. "Mom I'm willing to let the past be the past but Rick needs to back off and call off his investigation on Roman and Sasha." Bayley said.

Linda agreed with what Bayley was saying and than asked," Sasha did you ask your mom about having dinner with me and I would like you two to join us as well." Sasha smiled at Linda and than informed her that "my mom would like to have dinner with you as well." "That's great when should we have dinner than? Sooner the better I think and specifically now that you are pregnant it would be a good thing for us to meet." Linda said.

"Well, we could have dinner Friday night. I can ask my mom if that's ok with her. The next question would be where would you like to have dinner at?" Sasha asked. "That's a good question. I don't want Rick involved in any this." Bayley said. "Well I'm able to teleport still so I can go to your moms or to your guy's place if you will have me?" Linda asked. "We can have it at the apartment. I can teleport you there. Are you sure no one will notice you are gone?" Sasha asked. Bayley thought the same thing and was worried it will cause issues. "Mom how are you going to make sure no one realizes you are gone for a couple of hours? You know Rick will send the secret service to find you." Bayley asked.

"Let me work that out but I'm sure I can get Charlotte to cover for me so I could have dinner with you two and Sasha mom." Linda said. "I guess we need to figure out what to have dinner than. We could say around 6 or 7 for dinner?" Bayley asked them. Sasha could tell Bayley was still unsure about this dinner. "Bayley, we will figure out a dinner plan and we will see your mom Friday night." Sasha tells her.

Linda was happy that Bayley found one that truly loved her. Linda was going to make sure Bayley stayed this happy and Rick will stay away from them. Linda understood Bayley worries about Rick and Linda knew she needed to step in. "We'll just let me know if your mom is ok with the date. I'm looking forward to meeting her." Linda tells Sasha.

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