The car ride

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  This should be an interesting car ride back to the office Sasha thought. Sasha asked, "Do you need to grab your luggage Ms Martinez? Before we head to the car?" "No I just have my back packet and folder with me. I'll be leaving in the morning to get back. You can call me Bayley by the way." Bayley said. Sasha felt a wave of sadness hit her, she didn't want Bayley to go back so soon. She couldn't ask Bayley to stay because she dead during the day and she didn't want her to think she was being avoided during the day. That wouldn't be fair to her and selfish of Sasha to ask. Sasha looked at Bayley and noticed a sad look on her face as well and decided to ask what was wrong. Not sure she wanted to hear Bayley answers. "Is there anything wrong? You look sad, like someone just gave you bad news." Sasha asked. "Honestly I would like to stay around and get to know you better. I don't have many friends and I feel this.. never mind." Bayley said.

   If it was what Sasha was feeling as well she needed to know. Sasha turned to Bayley to ask what she felt  but Bayley eyes had fallen on the car I drove to the Airport. It was a green Lamborghini it belonged to Becky. I'm not sure why she needed this car when she could teleport anywhere but she just like fast cars. "It belongs to are head of security Becky Lynch you will meet her when we get back to the office. It's a little cramped inside of that's ok?" Sasha said. Bayley said, "that's ok I don't mine being close to you." That brought a smile to Sasha face and a embarrassing grin from Bayley when she said it. Sasha went and open the door for Bayley and couldn't resist reaching up and placing her hand on Bayley check. Bayley automatically leaned into Sasha hand and smiled at her. It was Sasha turn to feel weak in the knees.

  Sasha got in the car and noticed Bayley looking at her. "Is there something on my face? Your starring at me." Sasha asked. Bayley didn't know what came over her but she replied "I can't help it when the person I'm sitting next to is so beautiful, it hard not to stare." Sasha couldn't believe Bayley thought she was beautiful and replied "thank you, I think you are beautiful as well." It make Sasha heart beat a little fast seeing Bayley blushing.

Bayley wanted to know if Sasha had a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband. How could someone so beautiful be single. Bayley was still feeling bold so she asked "so your partner must be lucky to wake up next to you every day?" Sasha was taken a little back by Bayley question but answer it honestly "I wake up alone I haven't been in a relationship for years."Sasha replied. Sasha noticed it brought a smile to Bayley face and Sasha couldn't help stare at that smile and could do it all night. Since Bayley asked the question, Sasha asked her the same thing. Sasha wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer. Bayley replied "No not see anyone it's hard to have a love life with my dad. If he doesn't approve the relationship doesn't last long. So, I haven't really looked for anyone." Sasha felt bad for Bayley and said " It must get lonely if you can't be with anyone?" "It is but I have my work and lately it takes a lot of my time up. I think this is the first time I've left the lab. I usually spend my nights there so I don't have to deal with the stuff at home." 

   Sasha wanted to know what kind of work she does that takes up so much of her time. "Bayley what kind of work do you do that keeps you at the lab? Why don't you want to be at home?" Sasha asked. "I've been working on an antidote for my Mother. My mother was infected with something that slowly shuts down her body. It's hard to watch her go through it and I want to do my best to help her." Bayley said. Sasha couldn't believe that she was in the a car with a wonderful person that puts her mother health first than her happiness. This made Sasha want to get closer to Bayley even more.

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