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Sasha stood there and thought of what Dean just said. She was about to ask something else but Roman and Bayley walked out of his office. "Hello everyone, Becky I was just going to look for you."Roman informed her. "What can I do for you Sir," Becky asked. "I would like to get clearance for Bayley to work here and get her some information on Night Shade. Bayley were are you staying at so I can get the information sent over to you before you leave." Roman asked Bayley. "I was going to see if one of the hotels had a room open, I really didn't book anything just because it was just for tonight." Bayley said.

Well I have rooms here that you can use no charge and it would give me a piece of mind that you are safe. I have full cafeteria that you can get something to eat and Trish here would be happy to take you down that way." Roman smiles at Bayley. "Thank you that would be nice to get something to eat." Bayley smiles. Just than Dean thought of something to see if Bayley really did imprint on Sasha. Dean walk over to Sasha and wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in like he was going to kiss her cheek. Sure enough Bayley reacted like Dean thought she would, Bayley became protect of Sasha and her body language changes instantly.

Bayley wanted to rip this guys arm off but knew she couldn't react that way or it would give away that she was different. The beast inside Bayley woke up and wanted to attack and protect what she felt belong to her. It just dawn on Bayley that she had imprinted on Sasha and that she would never be able to let her out of her life. It scared Bayley so bad that she started getting a headache and had to leave before she blew her true secret. Bayley took a deep breath and said "I think I should go thank you for the offer but I'm sure I'll be ok. I don't want to be a bother to anyone and with that she gave Sasha the saddest look." Roman realize what Dean had done and wasn't happy about it. Dean forced something out of Bayley she wasn't ready for and now it's hurt more than anyone knew.

Roman smiled at Bayley again and insisted that she stay her. "I would think your mother would be happy that you are well protected than staying at a hotel will less security. I promise the food is good, Trish never complains about it. Trish please take Bayley to the cafeteria, I'll send Sasha down once I'm done talking to her. So that she can show you your room." Bayley thanked Roman once again and before leaving with Trish to the cafeteria. This time Bayley didn't look at Sasha just talked to Trish and left.

Sasha felt a sharp pain through the heart from Bayley face expression and that she didn't look at her before she walked way with her mom. Dean little stunt hurt Bayley and all Sasha wanted to do was wrap her arms around Bayley. Once Trish and Bayley left the room Sasha turn on Dean "What the hell was that, did you see the hurt in her eyes. What where you thinking?" Sasha yelled."I'm sorry but I wanted to know if she would react the way I did when I imprinted on Renee. Bayley reacted the way I thought she would. I seen it in her eyes she wanted to rip my arms off and I think beat with them. I see the tiger anger in her eyes." Dean replied.

  Roman still wasn't happy, "we need to find out if she is the princess and her the mother the Queen of that tribe. Sasha I need you to talk the President into letting Bayley work her. According to Bayley her father is protective of her and once she falls sleep teleport her to room at the White House." With that Roman left for another meeting leaving Becky,Dean and Sasha in his office. "Sasha I'll go get the keys to the room Bayley will be using. Plus, I'll turn off the security cameras in the room to give her privacy." With that Becky left for her office and took Dean with her.

  After a minute standing there Sasha decided to head to the cafeteria to save Bayley from her mom. With everything that just happen Sasha just wanted to be with Bayley. This was going to be along night Sasha thought to herself.

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