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Bayley anger finally hit its boiling point. Bayley stood up and started passing back and forth. "Do you know what it feels like to go through that and the person you counted on the most didn't come check on me but locked me in the room. My father stayed by your side when he changed you but you couldn't do it for me. From that point on I told myself I was on my own. When you came in the next morning, I knew who you chose to be with and I was going to play second to your new family. You didn't even take in account how I would feel if you weren't there." Bayley yelled at Linda.

Sasha got up and wrapped her arms around Bayley to calm her down. Bayley looked at Sasha and asked "Are you going to do the same thing my mother did to me? What if you decide I'm not worth the time and it was the wrong decision?" Sasha was taken back at was Bayley just asked her. Sasha made Bayley look her in the eyes and told her "I'm here to stay for good or bad and won't leave your side unless you want me to." "I know you are hurting right now but I think it's best you hear your mom out please for me." Sasha told Bayley

  Linda told Sasha thank you. "Bayley, I'm asking you for your forgiveness, I made a mistake. That day I thought you were still out. It didn't dawn on me that you would wake up early. When I went to the room I was surprised the door was locked. I asked Rick why the door was locked and he said"he didn't want anyone to come cross your body." But I knew that was mistake number two the first was I wasn't by your side to help you. When a person is reborn they are confused and usually need help to shift. This had to be hard on you and the full moon was out as well.

For the first time I shifted by myself to heal my injuries and felt the loss of not being there with Bayley. Once I got in the room, I saw you sitting in the corner and was shocked you weren't a tiger. I closed the door and walked up to you. I noticed the difference in you and your eyes, were like your dad's eyes. Your dad's eyes where a dark blue. All Bayley asked me was"why weren't you here for me?" All I could see was the heart break in her eyes. Once I realize what I did to you and I knew it was going to be hard to get you to forgive me." Linda finished.

Sasha looked at them both and asked what happen next? Linda sat back down and continued, "We went back home and we were welcome back with open arms by Charlotte and Michael. They were so happy that we were ok but they both picked up that something was wrong with Bayley. Bayley stayed in her room and wouldn't come out for anything. Even when her brother left for the Navy, Bayley stayed away. Michael had told me that he spoke to you and he was concern that you were up to something. I never thought you move out and not talk to me again. It was like losing your father all over again."Linda said with tears in her eyes now looking at Bayley.

"I knew Bayley needed time to heel but to pack up and erase her life was something I wasn't ready for. I found that Bayley had changed her last name to her father last name Martinez. She than erased anything that was connected to the Flair name. The more I found the more the pain started setting in. I realize I hurt you so much that you couldn't stay in the same house as me. I let your father down by hurting you and I let myself down as well. I found where you were at a few weeks later and teleported into you apartment. It was a one room apartment but I notice there was no furniture in it except for a dog bed in the corner of the room. I didn't notice a dog anywhere.

I knew you had money to buy furniture but you didn't. It never dawn on me that you were shifting to sleep each night until this morning when I seen what you were sleeping on. The last thing that caught my eye was a picture that was seating next to the dog bed and it was the picture of you and me on are last trip before the accident. I sat there for awhile looking at the photo and asking myself how could I screw this all up. My daughter was living like we did when we lived with her father." Linda said.

Sasha looked at Bayley and asked, "if you had the means to buy furniture why didn't you? Why did you go back to your old life style?" Bayley wasn't sure how to answer the question. " I didn't feel like I deserve to have furniture or anything really nice. If I decided to move again all I had to take with me was my clothes and dog bed. The day I died, I been able to shift freely without the moon. So, I would just shifted each night after work."Bayley tells them.

Linda now had tears running down her face. She just realized how close Bayley was to running again. "I never told anyone that I had found you but I kept a close eye on you. Than Rick won the election and brought news that you would return home to live with us again, Charlotte and I were so happy to have you coming back but I was worried what you might have given up. Rick knew I was hurting and missing you like crazy. I wasn't aware that he went to visit you or even knew where you lived. I wasn't happy he went to see you at all but he insisted that it was for your own protection and he didn't want to see me sad anymore.." Linda said

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