Right, I never had time to ask myself why Akito would show up. If I weren't mistaken she was another person that hated me.


A loud banging noise could be heard right outside of the room that I was in causing me to shoot straight up from the bed as I shrieked loudly covering my ears. The sudden movements caused a sharp pain to shoot up my left thigh and my side.

"Yukimi! Don't move so suddenly or you will reopen your wounds" My eyes flickered towards Momiji who stood next to my bed looking up at me with a worried expression.

"M-Momiji?" He smiled warmly at me as a few tears slipped from his eyes. "I'm not dead-" He cut me off.

"N-No, you're not" He brushed the back of his hand across his face wiping away the tears.

"How long have I been out?" I started. "Are Akito and the others alright?" I started panicking not knowing what had happened after I blacked out. "Hatori?" He grabbed my hand in his trying to get me to calm down before answering.

"Everyone's alright... It was you we were worried about... you have been out for three days now" He looked down before continuing as I gasped softly. "Akito locked herself in her room and won't eat...She's blaming herself that this even happened to you" He looked back up towards me. "Hatori blames himself too, he's feels worse for lying to you and hurting you" I placed my free hand over my mouth tears began to form in my eyes. "I think some of the curses broke too like Hiro's and mine"

He seemed happy about it but also saddened at the same time.

"I'm glad no one got hurt, maybe it would be best if I stayed away from Akito and everyone"

"Why are you saying that?" Momiji was confused as I let his hand go.

"I feel like I'm burdening everyone around me"

"Don't say that! You would be dead if you hadn't called anyone" He started to cry again. "That would be worse for me too" My eyes widened a bit as I stared at him. "When you, Hatori, and I are together people admire us as if we're a real family and that makes me happy" I pulled him into a hug tightly apologizing to him.

"I'm going to let everyone know that you're awake now" He had already left before I could stop him.

It would make sense that he'd believe that we're a family due to all the comments people make about us being one. I remember the story he told us of how his mother rejected him and so Hatori had to erase her memory.

But even still he always seems happy even when watching them from afar.

Momiji came back with the nurse waiting for her to finish checking my vitals.

"Looks like you might actually be able to go home today" My eyes widened, well I was out for about three days so as long as I keep my wounds clean and start eating I should be okay. "You've recovered so well after your incident" She added before walking out with her clipboard.

"YUKIMI!!" My head snapped towards the person shouting from the door. Before I could process or even say anything he was already hugging me.

"H-hatori" I softly said noticing Momiji slip out of the room shutting the door behind him.

Hatori buried his face into my neck breaking out into tears. I never thought I would have seen that but I'm glad he feels comfortable enough to express his feelings to me.

"I thought I was going to lose you" Hatori's voice sounded so pained that my eyes started to water as well while I gently brushed my fingers through his hair before slowly lifting up his head so he would look at me. "I'm sorry I couldn't prote-" I placed my finger on his lip to keep him quiet using my other hand to wipe his tears away.

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