His Phobia

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A/N: Why hellloooo there you freaking beautiful unicorn! Here's another shortie for ya! I really like doing these to let you get to know my idea of who these sexy boys are. If you have any ideas for these chapters (which are now dubbed shorties) post something in the comments or dm me! Now, enjoy my sweets!

Gingka: You guessed it... Medicine (Needles and Doctors are also a no go). Why? Well.... it tastes gross and yucky and nasty... (His words not mine)

Yu: He's scared of the dark. Don't make fun of him though, he's a big boy ok?

Tsubasa: He's claustrophobic and will not go into small spaces.

Masamune: Bugs. Refers to anything with more than four legs as butt demons.

Ryuga: Though he calls everyone clowns, Ryuga is actually terrified of them.

Hyoma: Drowning, it's a major nightmare of his. 

Nile: He's terrified of spiders. Though his attempts at running away from them does much more harm than the actual spider does.

Kyoya: You might see him roll his eyes at the supernatural to keep up his badass persona, but the idea of being possessed haunts him.

Chao Xin: Chickens. The only way you can get him near one is if it's cooked.

Da Xiang: Not being able to breathe and being buried alive are Da Xiang's worst nightmares.

Zeo: Hospitals. It reminds him of when Toby was there and the arrangements he was given by Ziggurat.

Jack: He's pretty squeamish and dislikes pimples or anything that produces puss.

Damian: Dirt, Germs, filth in general. He hates feeling icky.

Reiji: Heights. Do not make him go anywhere above 10 feet off the ground in the open air or he will freak out.

Dynamis: He isn't a huge fan of people but the idea of large crowds shoots right to his nerves. 

Johannes: Dogs. Corgis and Chihuahuas are the ones he fears the most.

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