Needs: Jack

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A/N: Hi trouble you sure you ready for this one? Yeah? A little angst for yalls.

You stood there watching what was left of Hades City, your home, fall prey to the blue abyss. It burned you to think that all you were to that company was a lab rat. The rain and spray of the ocean was a gloomy reflection of the tempest of betrayal and confusion raging on inside your skull. You had gained nothing without depending on your arrangements like some helpless addict waiting for their next hit. You had nothing now. Nothing.

Your eyes stung but you knew crying would only steal away more of your pride. The echos of Gingka and his friends crashed inside your chest like the tide against the docks the rescue boats dumped you on. Why? How could you have known you were the bad guy? That you, Damien, Jack... were thoughtless accomplices to something evil? Jack. The one person in that hell hole that made things fun and seem not as bad as they were. Hell, it felt good not to be the only crazy one there. He had suffered far more losses from this than you could have imagined. You watched him, shrinking into himself, losing all he had worked for, his art, his identity. You bit your lip. It was sad, yet a man like Jack didn't take kindly to pity. You made your way over to him, a small, somber smile on your lips desperate to help.

Jack looked over at you, trying his best to return the smile, "It's all gone. The arrangements..." he dropped his sad attempt of a grin, "It's like you and I... it's like everything we are is at the bottom of the ocean along with that city." He choked and hung his head, turning away so you couldn't see his obvious tears.

In all your time at Hades Inc., you had never seen Jack cry. He was always so invested whether it was Beyblade or his art. He wanted to be the best version of himself. He had been corrupted by Ziggurat. That bastard. He took everyone's hopes and dreams and used them as fuel for his greed.  You stretched your hand out and put it on Jack's shoulder, an act of solidarity and friendship. "I- I'm sorry." You sniffled. You had always had feelings for Jack. Every time you saw him, talked to him, it was like a rock in the pit of your stomach. But there was no way you could ever act on them. Looking at Jack, all you wanted to do was selfishly steal him away from the world and pain so he could be there for you. Both of you were so lost. 

Jack turned, brushing off your hand. "It doesn't matter now. A sorry will never bring back what that place stole from me." He scowled and turned away.


Jack paused turning his head, his back still facing you, "(y/n) you were the only good thing that came out of there. Thank you for all the inspiration you gave me. Goodbye." 

Fire growled deep in your throat. You didn't lose everything form Hades' City. You had Jack. You couldn't- no, you wouldn't- stand there and powerlessly watch your one friend walk away forever. Not now. 

"Jack!" You yelled. He paused again as you sprinted into him, almost sending the both of you on the ground, "I won't let you leave." You sobbed caring less about your pride, "I w-won't. Y-you can't." 

Jack peered down at you, sorrow in his eyes but not a word escaping his painted lips. 

"Please Jack. I lost everything but you. I can't lose you too." You wiped the tears from your cheek with your sleeve. 

Jack closed his eyes, "You don't need me (y/n) I-"

You punched his shoulder, furious, "I do you asshole! We are by ourselves. There are no more arrangements. There is no more Starbreaker. It's just us! Don't you get that?" You yelled, your tears turning your voice to gravel.

Jack's eyes went wide, his hand went to his shoulder where you punched him. "(y/n) I... but-"

You punched his other shoulder, "NO BUTS! I can't Jack. Just you can't leave. Okay?"

Jack took a step back before he spoke to you learning his lesson, "Why?"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" You growled, "I need you. I fucking love you. Losing you would be-"

Jack moved like a flash of lightning and placed a strong, aggressive kiss on your lips pulling away as fast as he did coming in. You stumbled back, the deafening sound of rain and the ocean succumbing to the sound of your own heart's frantic beating in your ears. You were frozen, your tears stopped falling, you stopped yelling, the buzz of angry adrenaline left your veins... You looked at jack clearly confused and shocked.

"J-j-j-j-j-jack? W-ha?"

"Hmph," Jack sighed, "I guess I didn't do that right..." He tsked before pulling you into his arms and planting a slower, longer kiss on your lips. 

Shocks of lighting flew through your whole body. You had no other choice but to kiss him back. A dream that hung shamefully over your head for all that time had now blossomed into reality. Jack pulled away, "You know... I must admit that this is a great source of artistic inspiration..." A real smile played on his lips, "I can't imagine leaving such a wonderful person and feeling behind." Jack paused. "I'm sorry (y/n) I think I need you too... will you forgive me?" He whispered.

You nodded, "I forgive you." You whispered back, your hands reaching up and grabbing his mask, slipping it off to show the world the real Jack, your eyes wide with admiration, "No more hiding okay?" You cupped his face kissing him with everything you had.

Jack grinned into the kiss, "Okay." he said kissing you back with the fire and passion you had only ever seen in his art. You were his new favorite masterpiece, "I'm not going anywhere."

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