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Everyone has a certain subject they totally and completely nerd out to, It isn't very different for our blader boys to love other things besides beyblade... 

Gingka: There is one thing Gingka is known to love (other than you and Beyblade of course!), and that, my dear, is hamburgers. He will tell you every single topping, condiment, and style of hamburger. He knows the origin of the first hamburger and will never be afraid to sit at a table with 10+ hamburgers and will show off each and everyone before shoving it his mouth. 

Yu: This Bey genius actually knows quite a lot about physics and math. It is how he knows how to calculate points of weakness in battle. He loves watching boats, cars, and trains move, always figuring out how they work. He tends to be very useful in calculating tips and mental math. You don't even have to ask he just does it. 

Tsubasa: After living and thriving in the wilderness, he is a bit of a bird nerd. He has a tendency to name every bird he encounters, knowing the scientific names, their breeding patterns, mating displays, flight patterns... He will talk for hours about eagles especially, detailing every wing feather's importance, their lifestyles... he really loves birds.

Masamune: Oh boy... Masamune loves pandas. He will annoy you mercilessly by dropping fun facts that can get pretty in detail. He will tell you everything he knows about them and their relatives in the animal kingdom. He has a thing about red pandas though, as they are not really considered a bear, something Masamune will ramble on about for hours.

Ryuga: The dragon emperor actually really invests his time into researching Japanese dynasties and wars. He knows that when he calls himself emperor, what that exactly entails. His favorite topic being wars that used Beyblades to conquer. For a man of few words that are usually edgy insults, he will go on and on and on if you let him. 

Hyoma: Growing up in Koma Village, Hyoma does know a lot about Beyblade but it isn't the subject he nerds out about... He prefers mountain plants. Hyoma knows about every plant that takes root in mountains and will continuously freak out and get excited about seeing them. He knows there healing properties and which ones are poisonous which does come in handy. 

Nile: Growing up in Egypt, sure he knows the mythology, but he finds tea and anatomy to be the utmost fascinating of topics. Take this man to a coffee shop and he will have a thirty-minute conversation with the barista on brewing methods and the origins of teas. He also isn't afraid to talk about the esophagus at dinner. Organs and tea are how you get him to open up.

Kyoya: There is one thing... survival. He loves watching survival shows and camping. He will go on and on about starting fires with gum and batteries and the latest method to make a shelter in the woods. He enjoys talking about the end of the world and how he'd survive and rebuild society. You will never hear him talk more about anything than he does about the outdoors.

Chao Xin: One word. Fashion. Chao Xin follows all the trends and tea in the industry. He loves using fashion to determine his first impression of a person. If he sees someone wearing the latest and greatest, he will sit there and talk to you about it for what seems like hours. He has a special place in his heart for shoes and jackets. You will often overhear his fangirling over Da Xiang's jacket. 

Da Xiang: Strong, always following the rules, Da Xiang is pretty straight-laced, so it may surprise you when tell you that he is obsessed with pirates. This odd affection he holds for the sea and those who rule it started when he was very young. To this day, being even remotely close to a harbor or ship will get him spitting nautical knowledge like a second language.

Zeo: Crappy 90's hip hop songs are Zeo's bread and butter. He knows the lyrics, the moves, the names... It is literally all he listens to for music. Yes, he does know how to breakdance and if you are quiet you can sometimes catch him practicing in his room. He isn't afraid to spit a verse and cut a rug. I should also mention... he owns hammer pants.

Jack: Okay we all know this guy loves art, artists, whatever. But his favorite kind of art is made of rubbish. People taking trash and making art with it. He will hoard other people's trash to make art. He knows the names, styles, and artists best known for these styles. He will tell you everything you need to know about form and space with water bottles and cigarette butts.

Damian: Damian really is a nerd over one thing... dungeon porn. Kids, if you don't know what that is, go ask your uncle, older brother, that one friend you aren't allowed to have over at your house anymore, or play Cards Against Humanity. Anyway, he knows the history, film locations, the ancient torture methods that evolved into other things today.

 Reji: Serial Killers. Jack the Ripper, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer... He loves learning about them, their tactics, Motus Operandi, their psychological reasons behind the kill. It fascinates him. He isn't afraid to tell you about it, though he's always reassuring people the only small animals he killed as a kid were the ones he fed to his snakes. He just likes that kind of stuff.

Dynamis: He loves hair. Braiding, styling, cutting. Being on his own he has learned a lot about doing and styling hair. He's rather great at it and will not hesitate to tell you everything about the crucial relationship between hairspray and teasing. He will only interact with the modern world to get supplies and ideas.

Johannes: It might be funny but Johannes love knitting. He knows everything about the needles, yarn, patterns... He just has to keep his supplies out of reach of his furry friends. He likes to knit in his free time and is always asking your sizes so he can knit you things. If he sees a blanket or sweater he'll tell you how it was made in no time flat. 

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