Bladers React: Period

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A/N: This is an apology to all my male readers... I love you guys so freaking much! This was just so highly requested so... you know...

Gingka: When he walked into the room to see you wrapped in a mountain of blankets sobbing at a cheesy romance movie, he was a little worried. However, that concern turned to fear very quickly when you screamed for a chocolate milkshake and fries when he asked if you were okay. He immediately asked his friends what was up as he made his way to your favorite dinner to pick up a hefty order of comfort food. Once he figured it out, he made sure you had food in your hands at every second of the day.

Yu: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU ARE EATING ALL THE ICECREEEAAAMMMM!" He whined. Believe me when I say, he regretted that phrase before you even had a chance to open your mouth. If looks could kill, Yu would have been chopped to pieces and burned. Luckily they could not and the blonde stood there apologizing five minutes straight. After he gave you another quart to really drive home how sorry he really was, he hid out for the rest of the day.

Tsubasa: When you walked out of the bathroom with an expression that read, 'I hate everything and will burn this place to the ground', Tsubasa knew what to do. He tucked you into bed and heated up a warm compress along with some Advil and hot tea. Tsubasa took care of you the entire time, making sure you had everything you needed without you even having to say it.

Masamune: The man was very clueless, so when he slapped your ass and felt the pad under your shorts, he started to laugh and tease you for wearing a diaper. You educated this fool with the school of whoop-ass. As he clutched his nuts in pain you crossed your arms, "That's how my vagina feels... I'm on my period stupid." You rolled your eyes and continued on with your day.

Ryuga: As he moved over to you in hopes of a rough morning in the sheets, you shook your head. Instead, of him being grumpy and pouting, he kissed your head and asked if you needed anything. Even though you said no, he went to the kitchen and got you a huge chocolate bar and an even bigger bottle of water. 

Hyoma: Hyoma was your angel, he was bending over backward to make sure his girl survived this hard and trying time. Now... Hyoma bless his heart, could be a little too much. After he offered you a third bottle of water, you had to pull him aside, give him a kiss and tell him to back the fuck up in the sweetest way you could.  

Kyoya: When you stopped in the middle of Bey training with your man to go to the bathroom for the magic switch, Kyoya rolled his eyes. "Where are you going?" Once you explained to him what was going on he froze. Obviously, he wasn't expecting that as an answer. He crossed his arms, "Ok... but when you get back... don't think I'm going easy on you just cause you are on your time of the month.

Nile: When he walked in the bedroom to see you crying face down into the floor- not even on the bed- on the floor, he moved up to you, lifting you up and pulling you to him. He saw the tampon wrapper in the waste bin earlier and knew exactly what was going on. He just held you, kissing you gently. Once you were doing alright, he got up and made you a cup of hot chocolate adding a pill or two on the side for pain. 

Chao Xin: You were so scared to tell him that you had bled through onto his expensive silk sheets. With a shaky breath, you told him what happened. You were shocked when he kissed you on the head and laughed, "That's it? I thought you were going to break up with me!" Both of you breathed a sigh of relief, "I have plenty of sheet sets just ready to be opened!" He smiled and threw the sheets in the laundry.

Da Xiang: The both of you were sparing in the dojo while your cramps began to hurt worse and worse. Da Xiang noticed you flinching and eventually stopped to ask you what was going on. As you explained and told him, he pulled you into a hug and took your hand and dragged you to your room before giving you every (legal) cure for the pain he could think of. He hated to see you hurting and made it his job to help.

Zeo: It was the scariest moment of his life when you asked him to run to the store for tampons. When he walked into the store he sent you probably thirty messages about which ones to get. Eventually, a nice mom came to his rescue and bought chocolate, a chick flick, and some pain meds to add to the tampons. When he got home and handed you the bag, you laughed and hugged him calling him your hero. It made his journey all worth it.

Jack: Walking in the bedroom, seeing you sprawled out screaming the lyrics to "Bleeding Out" by Imagine Dragons was terrifying. He closed the door pndering what to do before walking back in and giving you a hug. He wasn't sure what the song was you were "singing" so he just made weird music noises to join in and cause a laughing fit that made your faces and chests hurt.

Damian: Hearing you were bleeding out of your baby box, grossed him out. He hated anything related to germs and bodily fluids. However, when he saw you in such pain he decided to brave his fears. Damian decided to sit there and learn about what was going on and exactly how he could help. 

Reiji: He was pretty pissed at your womanhood for hurting you so much. It seemed like you were always hurting and cramping. He went out and bought you everything he knew was a cure for pain... chocolate, pills, heating blankets, hot pads, teas... he wanted to be your hero and save you from this bullshit. 

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