Goodnight: Da Xiang

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A/N: Hello gorgeous! If you haven't guessed, Da Xiang is my boi 😂. I tried desperately not to make this an OC one as I despise other writers doing so... There may be a couple of personalized bits in there cause I knew no one else would write this. Also, this one is a little longer, so here it goes! Enjoy!

You collapsed against the Dojo wall, beads of sweat trickling down your brow. You looked over at Da Xiang, who was just as exhausted as you were. It was during the world championship you visited China. You had made it to the top eight before losing to Da Xiang. Despite your defeat, you had fought an amazing battle. One intense enough for Da Xiang to offer training at the Beylin Temple. Long story short, you joined in hopes to become even stronger and more connected with your bey, Celestial Gallus. Sure, the training you sought on your own had forged you into a formidable blader but now it made you a priceless addition to the temple. Da Xiang, had been more than impressed with your abilities and allowed you to train at his level.

 You two had trained exceptionally hard today with very little moments to rest. It was incredibly interesting in the way you two had grown together in your abilities as well as friendship. Your hazel eyes rested on his emerald ones, a tired grin on your face, "That was quite the day wasn't it?" you sighed.

Da Xiang chuckled and nodded, "That it was."

You two sat in comfortable silence, resting.

"I still can't believe you smacked my ass on accident ..." the male teased.

You laughed, "I guess we'll never know till the rematch."

He smirked, "Rematch? Another one?"

You stood and held out your hand for him to grab so you could pull him up with you, "Tomorrow, before dawn. Unless you're too chicken." You smirked as he stood up. Da Xiang was a head taller than you and was usually the victor of your sparing matches no matter how many rematches you challenged him to. 

Da Xiang loved your determination and relentless need to win. He chuckled at our comment, "Chicken? Really? We're reverting to schoolyard taunts now?" He taunted. "Because if so, I have a couple of your mother jokes I've been saving up."

You laughed, "Oh no. Did Masamune and Chao Xin rub off on you?"

"Possibly." He chuckled.

You two left the dojo and walked down the stairs to reveal a starry night sky. You paused, astonished at the stars. 

"(y/n)?" Da Xiang whispered.


"Goodnight." he nodded turning to leave, "And... you should be proud." He smiled before walking to his room.

You smiled back, staying to wonder at the stars a few seconds more before heading to your own room. The halls were dark sending a shiver down your spine. Ever since you were little, you had been afraid of the dark. It was never the lack of light that made you fear the darkness, but the possibility of what might have been lurking inside it. Somehow, a nightlight never felt safe enough, it became a weak guardian against your own anxieties. Even now, the dark still put you on edge, not so great as the fear you felt when you were little, but still there. You swore no one would ever know this. You couldn't be vulnerable like that.

You tiptoed anxiously towards your room with a brisk need to get there as fast as your feet could move. Soon enough the light to your room was switched on. You grabbed your mini flashlight and shower kit and headed to the bathroom to clean off the long day of hard work and fun. 


You had made it back to your room, alive and clean. You changed into your usual sleep attire: a silk tank top and underwear and slid into bed, turned off the light and closed your eyes, praying the demons that surrounded your bed could not attack you when hiding under the sheets. 

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