Older! Yu: Dingus

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A/N: Wow you are looking just stunning right now! In the mood for another one shot? If you are, you have come to the right place! Also (l/f/c) is your least favorite character insert. Anyway, happy reading!!

You were on your way home to get ready for your date with Yu. You could barely conceal the smile on your face as you walked down the streets. It was about time that dork asked you out officially. You were going to go all out. That is until you ran into (l/f/c)

"Hey! Where are you going?" They taunted blocking you with their arm.

"None of your business butthead, let me through."

They frowned, "Battle me."

"What? Right now? But I-"

"What are you stupid? Get out your bey and battle me." They smirked.

You bit your lip, slightly afraid. (L/f/c) had been bullying you for some time now. You figured you just get it over with and battle.


"Let it rip." You whined.


Your knuckles stung from punching the wall so hard. In hindsight, there were less painful ways to deal with your anger- but what is the fun in that? You pulled your fist back to punch the wall again this time punishing yourself for being weak more than anything else. 

"What are you doing?"

A voice shook you from your thoughts. You jumped and turned around to see Yu. His face was full of worry and confusion, he made his way to you cautiously. 

"I um nothing." You hung your head.

 It was something. The look on Yu's face showed he knew it too. You huffed blowing a loose strand of hair out of your face. Yu came to your side and held your hand. He wasn't sure what you were going through but he was here, and he was not leaving your side till you started feeling better. A knowing gleam in his eye practically dragged what you had really wanted to tell him out of you. A relenting sigh left your lips, "I lost...again..."

"You lost?"

"I battled (l/f/c) today and I lost."

Yu smiled, "That's okay (y/n)! Beyblade is about having fun." He paused knowing there was more to the story. So when you told him a frown appeared on his face and a sadness filled his eyes. He put on a smile to try and cheer you up, "Hey you know...losing is pretty stinky but it helps you become a stronger blader."

You looked at him, softening a bit, "I sure don't feel stronger..." 

Yu chuckled, "That's because you haven't done anything to improve. I mean besides assaulting an innocent piece of drywall."

"I guess you're right. It's just hard for me to get stronger on my own."

Yu looked you in the eyes, "You aren't going to be alone dingus! I am literally right here!" Yu smiled messing up your hair. 



You rolled your eyes unable to keep that smile at bay for long. "Thank you Yu."

A confused look appeared on the boy's features, "For calling you a dingus?"

"No dingus, for helping me!" You kissed his cheek.

Yu's face melted into the largest, dopiest smile he could muster, "How about we start right now?"

You grinned and watched Yu dart out of the room. A happy sigh escaped your lips as you went to follow him. He was already outside, watching you approach with a spasm of anticipation. You made your way out and walked with him to the Beypark. You coyly took his hand in your own as the two of you walked. The libra blader didn't seem to mind at all, giving you a small grin as he proceeded to walk with you to the park. 

As soon as you got there, the battles started. The two of you we went back and forth, a win here...a loss there... You were starting to recognize the fun Yu was talking about. You had missed it so much. Battling over time had became strictly competition. You had no idea how badly your bey spirit was starving. These battles with Yu were powerful and exciting. Something you hadn't seen in a while. Every loss, you still laughed. Every win you smirked and shook your butt at Yu in a ridiculous victory dance. This was what Beyblade was meant to do for bladers. You and your bey were on fire!

It was clear to Yu just how much you were enjoying this battle. He gave everything he had every single time. You made battling fun for him too. His smile soon metamorphosized into a dropped jaw as you used a new special move. You had no idea where it came from, it just came out of your mouth, 

"(B/N) Special Move! (Names of Special Move Here)"

Your bey began to glow (clr) and perform a devastating series of blows to Libra before Yu could even use his Sonic Buster. You watched as Libra got sent out of the stadium. You grinned and tiredly performed your victory dance.

Yu picked dup Libra and made his way over to you. "That was new (y/n)" he smiled.

You squealed, "I know! I am just so proud of the team me and (b/n) make. I wouldn't have done it without you Yu!" You jumped and wrapped your arms around him, kissing him.

Yu grinned and kissed you back holding you tightly to him. You both pulled away to come up for air. Yu smirked, "I'm proud of you too... but can I ask where you learned how to do that?"

"Do what?"

"This." He said kissing you again deeply, holding on to you as if nothing else in the world mattered. You were his one and only. 

"Now tomorrow, I am going to be right there when you kick that poophead's butt."

"Thank you."

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