The Cave: Ryuga

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A/N: (Y/F/N) means 'Your First Name' and (Y/L/N) means 'Your Last Name'. Anyway, enjoy the read!

It was getting dark. The green, almost blue hue of the trees succumbed to the fiery sunrise. You were approaching your third night alone in the forest. You left the city with a determination in your heart to train and become stronger. You were getting far too comfortable with your abilities to bother improving them back in the city. You made a promise to yourself, one you had been so close to breaking, the promise that you'd become the most powerful blader in the world. The only way to harness and control that power was to overcome the doubts and comfort in your head. 

You tightened your grip on your bag as you looked for a place to set up camp for the night. You wandered into the dusk, finding yourself before a cave. It was almost too easy. There was a bundle of firewood already stacked against the cave's wall and a spot for a fire. Someone must have stayed here before; However, it looked like they were long gone.

You started to make a fire, using your bey, (B/N), and the friction it created, to get the flame going. You sat against the wall and let the heat warm you. In the silence, you felt your stomach growl. You flushed as if someone were around to hear you. That was ridiculous, who would be out here?

A crash of lightning shook you from your thoughts. The rain began to hit the ground in a repetitive beat. The sounds echoed off the walls of the cave. In this, you closed your eyes and listened to the storm. 

A flash of lightning roared. It sounded incredibly close. When the light dissipated you watched the dark cave entrance begin to move and quickly reveal a drenched, white-haired, male with a stick with many fish stringed upon it.  It was Ryuga. The male was instantly recognizable. Who didn't know of the infamous dragon emperor? 

You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. It wasn't terror but admiration for the guy. He had conquered the dark power of L-Drago and became even stronger from it. 

Lightning flashed once more highlighting the combination of annoyance and amusement on his face. 

"Who? What are you doing here?" His voice was commanding an answer but you could hear genuine curiosity behind its aggressive front.

You eyed him, sizing him up as a person. The fear he seemed to put in people felt irrational; Though, you understood why they always seemed to cower. You did not. 

"I am (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) and I needed a place to stay. What are you doing here Ryuga?" You calmly reflected the question to him. 

Ryuga was expecting a far less collected response by the confusion that flooded his features. He washed it away quickly, furrowing his brow and growing cold. "I don't care who you are. I care that you used my firewood and are in my cave. Get. Out." He sneered.

You rolled your eyes. "I doubt you haven't heard the term finder's keepers Ryuga," you glared. You knew you were walking on thin ice with him but you weren't going to allow anyone to talk to you like that. "I found the cave. Besides, there's plenty of room." You furrowed your brow. There was no way in hell you were moving.

Ryuga stood there in silence, likely stabbing you in his mind. After a moment, and with a sigh, he walked to the other side of the cave and set down his bag. He made a stake out of a few pieces of firewood and began to cook the fish.

You two sat there in silence while it cooked. It smelled amazing but you were too proud to ask. The silence grew painful as the rain began to slow and the lightning faded away. 

Ryuga must have felt it too. He began to stare at you, searching for something to say. After what seemed like forever he spoke.

"(Y/N) I have to tell you, no one has ever talked to me like the way you just did. You have balls. I respect that." he said taking the cooked fish of the stick. 

"Well, you did have a pretty bad attitude." You smirked.

He eyed you, the faint shadow of a grin struck his features. "Is that so?" He unhooked two fish and stood, walking them over to you. 

Your eyes went wide, was this Ryuga being kind? You took the fish hesitantly. "Thank you, Ryuga" you studdered completely dumbfounded. 

"Don't mention it." He said grabbing his own fish and tearing into it. 

You two ate in silence and threw your scraps to the fire. It was getting late. You felt a cold gust of wind scrape against the cavern walls. You shivered and laid out your sack to use as a pillow. You watched Ryuga do the same. "Goodnight..." you said hesitantly. You rolled over and closed your eyes.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." 


(Ryuga's POV)

Ryuga woke up with a start; Nightmares. It was incredibly cold. He sighed and looked over to see you, in the faint glow of the coals, shivering. Ryuga looked out and saw the black of the night still trapping the sky. The Dragon Emperor stood and walked over to you. He slipped off his jacket and put it over you with extreme caution not to wake you. Once he knew you were still fast asleep he went back to bed. 

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