Will You Marry Him? (Part I)

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A/N: This one needs no introduction... here ya go! 

(Also y/f/n is your full name in here okay? Cool!)

Gingka: As a blader, he had always known what he wanted in a battle. You were so fiery and passionate. Not just about Beyblade, but about him. It wasn't different when it came to wanting you as his other half. Gingka went to his dad. He needed to make this special. When Ryo told him how he lit Mount Hagane to propose to Gingka's mom, Gingka knew he was going to do the same for you. He took you to Koma Village and disguised it as a vacation. Though it wasn't hard to assume this was something more. He took you to Mt. Hagane and at the base of the path, he lit the pillars with Pegasus's fire. As you marveled at the beautiful flames, Gingka got down on one knee. As you turned around, without missing a beat, Ginka revealed a ring. "(y/n), you are my universe... and I really want to marry you! Do you want to-" You kissed him, pulling away just enough to squeal yes millions of times.

Yu: Are you kidding? Yu lives life with one purpose, to have fun. To him, you are the definition of everything good and exciting in this world. There is no way he'd go without you for the rest of his life. He saved up money and took you to Disneyland Tokyo, spoiling you with every extra bit of joy they had to offer. As you strolled through the park, enjoying the rides and treats, Yu felt his heart beat faster as you got closer to the Castle. He watched you twirl under it with a smile on lips. Yu swallowed walking to the very canter of the castle. He stood there frozen as you walked towards the exit ready for the next ride. "(y/n)?" He called after you. Yu watched you make your way to him. "I have something to ask you..." He grinned at you and got down on one knee. You gasped, as did everyone else around you. "(y/f/n), You are the coolest. Wanna get married?" You burst out in a bunch of giggles, "YES! YU! YES YES YES!"

Tsubasa: He had always calculated everything, his battles, responses, actions... just not his proposal. To be honest, the man had tried for months, finding beautiful spontaneous spots everywhere the two of you traveled. Sadly, you weren't always paying attention or too often killing the mood by mentioning spot to Beyblade. Tsubasa had enough. You were the one, he couldn't take one more day of not being engaged to you. So he did it, got on one knee, at the top of his lungs, in the middle of the sidewalk, "(y/n) WILL YOU BE MY BRIDE?" he was beaming. You turned and gasped, "Tsubasa! Yes!" As you two celebrated and kissed, you giggled, "Why did you yell?" Tsubasa sighed, "I'm an attention whore..."

Masamune: When Masamune proposed you thought it was a joke. You two were in a crazy prank war yet again. He took you to a new restaurant with everyone. After dinner, before dessert, he hopped up on the table, banging his fork on his glass so aggressively, it shattered. "GUYS...guys... simmer down simmer down...I have something I gotta say." You swallowed and hid your face in embarrassment. He continued, "As you all know (y/n) is my girlfriend. I love her...A lot. I think I want to marry her." Your eyes went wide before bursting into laughter. "Whatever Masamune, get down from there!" You snorted pulling him down. The dork took it as an opportunity and fell on one knee, "I'm serious. I love you. Please Marry me?" You blushed, apologized, and said yes.

Ryuga: Before you, Ryuga had one love, power. Since you, nothing made him feel stronger than being in love with you. You consumed his waking thoughts and dreams. He knew losing you would be the greatest mistake of his life. Ryuga took your hand and led you to deep into the forest stopping at a cliff overlooking a waterfall and an open night sky. A meteor shower lit up the sky. Lost in wonder, Ryuga took a knee, "(y/n)?" You turned and gasped, "Y-yes?" You stammered. The dragon emperor continued, "I love you. You are my only weakness and my only strength all at once. I want to marry you." Without words, you nodded trying to remember how to speak, "Y-yes!" The two of you kissed under the fiery sky.

Hyoma: There was a special tradition in Koma Village. As the new leader, Hyoma knew there was no escape for him or you. You woke up to hear a knocking on your door. Two elderly mothers came in with dresses and accessories insisting on making you up. Confused you allowed them to and as they finished, they ushered you out of the door. Your mouth dropped. A path lined with everyone in Koma Villageextended from your door to the center of the village. As you walked they threw feathers, flowers, beads. As the path turned, you saw Hyoma, dressed in the Village traditional attire. You choked on excitement and joyful tears. As you made it to him he grinned and bowed to one knee, "(y/n), Our village has a sacred tradition, one for only to most respected and kind women when a guy... like me... wants to spend the rest of his life with a woman like you... Will you marry me?" When you shouted yes, the entire village cheered. 

Nile: Rarely did a man in Egypt get to choose the woman he desires. Luckily, for Nile, he had you. The one person who truly understood him and loved him just as deeply as he loved you. He had known very early that you were the one. Since then, he had planned this day, every step taken, every word spoken, he was not going to mess this up. He had practiced every word of his proposal in the mirror on countless occasions making sure he didn't stutter. When the day came, he took you to a temple. It was made of precious gems that shown the sunlight in millions of colors and as you wandered, Nile cleared his throat, "(y/n), This temple was very important to my people," he took a breath, "You are standing on the ground where gods fell in love, where kings married queens, and now..." He descended onto one knee, "(y/n)? Please be my wife? I promise to love you and never let you go. I'll-" You kissed that man with every breath you had, pulling away, you looked into his eyes, "Yes." 

Kyoya: Kyoya believed the fierce woman he fell in love with deserved so much more than he thought he could give her. He couldn't believe you chose him to love and put up with. He tried so hard to be aloof and play things cool but the first time you went out, he wanted to shout 'I love you' at the top of his lungs. He needed you by his side no matter what. It was time. He took you to Wolf Canyon. Once a place of misguidance and loneliness, Kyoya knew it was the one place he wanted to share with you. You two hiked up the cliffs, struggling and surviving as one. Kyoya was no longer climbing alone, he moved slightly faster making sure to get to the top first. He to you it was a race. Though, when you pulled yourself up and over that cliff's edge, Kyoya was there, on one knee, ring in hand. "(y/n), I always believed in depending on myself. I vowed never to lean on another blader and that strength came from being alone. You proved me wrong. I don't want to be alone, I want to be with you for as long I live. Marry me?" You bit your lip trying to cry, "Yes. Yes! Kyoya!!!" You flew into his strong arms.

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