Bladers React: Quarantine

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A/N: All right gorgeous you read for another one? Mmhmm. Yes. Yes... Alright! Your wish is my command!

Gingka: The two of you spent most of your time together, balling on the couch, missing hamburgers and Beyblade. Of course, you tried cooking them yourselves... Let's just say cooking was not yours or Gingka's expertise. How did Madoka do it? When your favorite burger joint started doing delivery, it was a blessing from the burger gods. Both of you bought so many burgers and milkshakes the delivery guy had to make two trips. Quarantine wasn't so bad now that you had burgers. However, it would be better if bey battles didn't have to be over video calls.

  Yu: Before it all began, the two of you ransacked the markets for toilet paper and ice cream. Sure, no one needs 94 rolls of toilet paper or yucky coffee-flavored ice cream, but it was good to have... you know... just in case. The days went by, packed with tickle wars, pillow fights, pillow forts, other things in pillows, and of course, dance battles without pants. Unfortunately, there were not enough pants-off-dance-offs to save you two from eating all the ice cream. Even the coffee crap was gone. Maybe the world ready is ending...

Tsubasa: Your man began to get stir crazy around day two. The guy practically lived outside. You guys spent your day sitting by open windows and on the roof, longingly wishing to be out. You miraculously got him to open up. You learned a lot, sharing secrets, heart to hearts, other somethings to other somethings... For once Tsubasa didn't mind being stuck inside. He had you. He let you do his hair and in exchange, he made you feed his eagle, an awesome but frightening experience. 

Masamune: Spending all that time with Masamune was exhausting. He had reinstated a prank war. It was difficult trying to come up with new pranks when you're stuck in the house. It was all fun and games until someone's feelings got hurt. Your feelings. Masamune had pulled quite the mean prank. You went days ignoring him. When he couldn't bear the silence any longer, he relented and apologized. You weren't letting him off so easily... As payback, you took a video of him lipsyncing in drag and sent it to everyone.

Ryuga: In a small apartment there isn't much space to brood. Ryuga was always traveling so he moved in with you. It wasn't big but it was quiet. You guys filled your days with nude cuddle sessions, violent movies, and most of all, "doing the do" as the kids call it these days. You both had time to enjoy each other's company far more during these oh so trying times.  While everyone frantically stocked up on masks and toilet paper, Ryuga hoarded one thing... condoms. Boy did it pay off.

Hyoma: Living in Koma Village, you were already isolated from the rest of the world and what had been going on. However, Hokuto insisted that you and Hyoma quarantine away from each other. The dog made sure you two stayed apart. Or did he? Late at night one of you would sneak out and slip through the other's window unseen. Things were far more fun when it was forbidden. You felt like the Juliet to his Romeo, without the death and gross, hormonal pining. Though when Hokuto finally caught you two you, he wasn't mad... just disappointed. (He knew the whole time)

Nile: You two hardly left the bed the whole duration of the quarantine. Your hours of cuddling and binge-watching shows about ghosts and paranormal activity was only interrupted by gathering snacks, showers, sleep, and bathroom breaks. It was the best time you've had together. He would spend his time whispering in your ear, giving you kisses, and falling in love with you all over again. Though the battle over who gets more blankets and pillows still rages on in bitter warfare.

Kyoya: Soo he was hoping for a badass apocalypse, maybe even a zombie virus... long story short, he was greatly disappointed. So instead he sat on the couch with his girl, watching what he hoped would be cool, tiger king. Again, greatly disappointed. It wasn't until his lioness suggested the far better Lion King. Kyoya had never seen it and the pleased grin on his face after was priceless. When he heard her singing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" his only option was to sweep her off her feet to the bedroom.

Chao Xin: To be honest, he isn't a fan of viruses or exposing himself to gross contagious illnesses. It is easy to assume he was one of the first to quarantine and dragged you in isolation with him. Luckily, all that alone time allowed for the two of you to enjoy each other's company up-close and personal.  You learned things in the bedroom you had no idea even existed. Ever heard of the Great Wall position? Now you have thanks to Chao Xin.

Da Xiang: Living without a routine drove Da Xiang and his woman insane. Being trapped between four walls with nowhere to battle was the worst. They developed a new routine trying to hold onto some normalcy before Quarantine. Their days started with Meditation, then martial arts, then showers and extracurriculars... and more training. Though it would be hard for them to admit they added in some extra extracurriculars deeper into isolation. They even made time for heated makeout sessions between each task on their daily routine. Honestly, by the end of this, they forgot about everything that didn't involve their hands on the other.

Zeo: It hit Zeo hard having to isolate from the gym and his friends but he was happy to have you. However, Zeo began to spiral after the first week. He raided the pantry and fridge constantly. He began to exercise, not like a normal person, like a wild animal. By week four you were convinced he had gone feral. You locked up the food sources and had an intervention. Turns out Zeo just wanted something to do. You laughed, "I have some ideas..."

Jack: Where the hell did Jack get all his paint? You felt like you were walking into a modern Rapunzel's tower situation. During quarantine, your man decided to paint every open space in the house. Multiple colors, neons, jumping out at you like a unicorn sharted the LSD trip your uncle raved about in the eighties. Now telling your man no, stop, no more art, was close to a sin. So when you did do it, there were a lot of apologies and kissing. He eventually covered everything up except a pretty mural of a peacock. 

Damien: A virus? Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod... Damien doesn't even like dirt, let alone a deadly virus. He quarantined with you but insisted you get all the Clorox wipes, masks, sanitizer, disinfectant, bleach, and hazmat suits if they have them. He made you wash everything you had in bleach and wouldn't let you in the house till you stripped down and took a shower. After that, he had some ideas, though he made sure to take your temperature before anything got too heated. 

Reji: Your man didn't mind a little alone time with you, in fact, he got you both a little Quarantine gift! Another rescued snake! Reji doted on the creature, even going so far as to utilize a mild version of baby talk. But besides the snake (whose name is Gorgon), you were in charge of at-home-haircuts. Not being the best hairstylist, let alone hair anything, they didn't turn out as well as you had hoped. Luckily you are the one human Reji will forgive.

Dynamis: Literally nothing had changed since quarantine began. Sure, when you needed to travel miles to the store there were precautions, but that was it. You two decided to stay put, enjoy the world around you and isolate from everyone. 

Johannes: Alright, if you were to guess what cat boy thingy's favorite part of quarantine was, you could guess spending time with you or the cats...but you'd be wrong. Tiger King. He loved that. He wanted that. It was rather embarrassing that THAT was what your man fell in love with. However, he never stopped paying attention to you, sex kitten, he enjoyed his time with you very very much.

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