After Ice Cream: Older! Yu

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You were sprawled out, hanging upside down on the couch trying to find any excuse not to read. Tsubasa gave you a book on Beyblade history and told you to read up. You huffed and blew a piece of hair off your face. Boredom didn't sit well with you, hell, sitting didn't sit well with you either. Your mind wandered a million miles a minute. What would it be like to walk on the ceiling? What would happen if you combined a bird with a turtle? These were all very important thoughts. You bit your lip realizing just how bored you were. "Wow I gotta get out." you giggled at yourself.

"Huh?" Just then a door opened and Yu entered hearing your voice.

"Ah!" you said falling off of the couch. "Owww..." you whined, "What's the big idea Yu?" you grumbled.

Yu laughed and helped you up laughing, "Let's do something fun (Y/N)ie!" he smiled and sat next to you. "...And as far as ideas go... I have a couple of good ones!" He beamed.

You rolled your eyes, "Oh yeah? Like what?" you said hoping to do something, anything to get you away from the stupid book.

Yu smirked, and tickled your side, "For starters... there's some ice cream in the fridge...we could uh share it?" he said blushing a little.

Okay, you might've not been Sherlock, but you knew Yu. Sharing icecream? And was he blushing? A small smirk played on your lips. You had fallen hard for him a couple months ago but had convinced yourself that it wasn't gonna happen and as a result, you put those feelings to the side. But now they were resurfacing and you could feel the butterflies make their return. You looked up at Yu who smirked. "Uh you okay there (Y/N)?" He poked your cheek "Do you not like ice cream all of a sudden?" He grinned elvishly.

You blushed, Yu was always perceptive, in both battle and in his friends. It was something you appreciated. You tucked a strand of your (H/C) locks behindyoir ear, "No of course not! I love icecream! That sounds great!" You said giggling.

"Good." He smirked. There was a small devious flicker in his eye. Nothing could have prepared you for what came next. Yu leaned over and pecked your cheek. He smiled and hopped up to get the promised quart of icecream from the fridge.

You sat there with wide eyes and burning cheeks trying to make sense of what had happened. He kissed you. Yu Tendo kissed you! He was definitely not some little boy anymore. He was smart and sure and well, a genius. What were you gonna say to him? 'Hey I have liked you since forever and I need you to kiss me again?' What the heck? Yu was quick to return and noticed right away the council meeting being held inside your head. He flopped down the couch next to you. A smile, gentle and a little apologetic, appeared on his lips. "Hey, (Y/N) I didn't mean to make it weird. I just really like you and I think that is what you do when you feel that way. But-" he was suddenly cut off as you grabbed the icecream bucket from him and pulled him into a real kiss. He held you into him and let you melt like the icecream that started this wonderful moment.

"Wow. That was fun (Y/N)! We should do that more?" He grinned, "But maybe after icecream." He looked over to the tub and held out two spoons.

You were beaming and nodded. You sat with him and enjoyed the ice cream. Yu couldn't stop smiling and neither could you. Your heart did backflips eager to see where this new adventure would go.

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