Bladers In the Apocalypse

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Warning: Discusses death, guns, weapons, and doomsday scenarios that could lead to an existential crisis. Read at your own discretion. 

A/N: Oooo girl! How you doin' this fine day? Remember how its series fight off impending doom on multiple occasions? Yeah... what if that didn't happen? What apocalypse would you man thrive in? Debating on making this idea into a book. Let me know if you'd be interested. Keep reading chiquita, much love.

Gingka: This man was made with leader material, however most of his strengths are Beyblade and socially based meaning he would still need the conditions of the apocalypse to relate to Beyblade. His best chance of survival would likely be the ones created from the dark power of L-Drago or spiral force. The world would be set up for him to prevail. His weapon would be Pegasus and not a lot would change appearance-wise. He'd probably lead a resistance or caravan of some sort with a purpose to reverse the damage. 

Yu: This guy would be awesome in a nuclear wasteland. Since he's battled with Libra he has a sharp eye to detect radiation fields, his humorous, careless attitude would make him a great sidekick. He is incredibly smart so his power to outsmart rivals would be a useful skill. He'd likely tote a double barrel with the barrel sawed. He'd add a pair of goggles and fabric made of lead to protect him from radiation.

Tsubasa: The guy from the sky is too collected for zombies or radiation. He'd likely be a survivor of  civil war. Being as resourceful as he is, he would be able to take things prior to the war and use them to both resist and hide. He is a natural at staying in the shadows and working as a WBBA agent has made him very charismatic. He'd likely be a loner, possibly aiding groups of innocent people as he saw them. He'd carry a hunting crossbow to keep the noise down and wear light tactical gear he could easily move in.

Masamune: His world would be a dystopia with heavy cyberpunk themes. He'd probably fit in with a crowd of lower-class citizens lurking for information to overthrow the oppressors in his world. Masamune would be a cyberpunk Peter Pan leading a group of kids his age to grow stronger to resist. He'd carry electroshock batons that he could likely conceal or retract like a lightsaber. His clothes would be darker and a possible mask of sorts to protect his identity would hide under a hood as he sifted through the city to be apart of a revolution.

Ryuga: His extreme independence would make him perfect for a zombie apocalypse. His lack of empathy and self-assurance would make him a perfect loner or raider. He'd probably have nomadic tendencies with the smarts to move with the hoards of zombies. He'd likely carry a crude melee weapon fashioned out of a bat and razor blades. He'd likey pack a handgun for emergency purposes only. He'd probably keep his golden gauntlets and armored attire to protect himself from bites.

Hyoma: Living in Koma Village he'd probably be far away from most if anything was going on. That being said he is an ideal survivor built for zombies, viruses, wars, and more. He knows how to get out of dodge and live off the land. Going unnoticed, he'd likely be a hidden protagonist protecting his village from the shadows. He'd become a leader to his people but a mere nobody to enemies. He'd probably keep his appearance the same and use either a long tactical weapon like a spear or maybe a sniper to defend Koma Village from afar. 

Nile: Living in Africa, he knows how to survive the heat and blistering sand. A scorched earth caused by climate change and intense heat waves would be a perfect doomsday world for Nile. He knows how to be resourceful and work with the heat around him. Those who live in deserts have a better ability to retain water making him less likely to fall from dehydration. He'd wear much of the same clothes but would use wraps to hide his skin and airways and goggled to protect his eyes. He'd likely use a light spear or assault rifle with a good range to defend himself.

Kyoya: The king of the wild would likely kick ass in any situation he's put in. However, due to his loyal loner personality, I believe a post-pandemic apocalypse would suit him best. He'd likely walk through ruins where a deadly plague once wiped out most of humanity. He'd use this to become one with nature, survive off of what the humans left, and what nature begins to grow. If by chance he does come across benevolent stragglers, he would probably let them join him; Though, he would keep his distance in case someone falls ill. He'd probably lean towards a biopunk aesthetic by wearing a gas mask and tactical yet comfortable gear. He'd likely use a melee and ranged combo of a silenced AR and machete to survive. 

Chao Xin: One word -Anarchy. Chao Xin would thrive in a political downfall using charisma and adaptability to maneuver the chaos around him. He isn't one to judge others by their malice and will likely be a trader of high-end goods like weapons or substances. He'd be able to follow social contracts and participate in the pandemonium around him in a balanced manner. He'd adorn himself with something flashy he could easily conceal in a pinch. His weapons would be stolen from museums and likely either a saber or dual martial art blades.

Da Xiang: A zombie apocalypse is no match for Da Xiang's training in martial arts and discipline. Being able to rally people into a close-knit army of a family, he would definitely lead his group to preserve the traditions and history of the past while still fighting for the future. He'd turn Beylin Temple into a sanctuary and use it as a base to fend of zombies and other unwanted intruders. For weapons, he'd likely used a bladed staff to keep a safe distance from the undead, and in dire scenarios, a handgun. His attire would remain similar to his current appearance though it would be riddled with wasteland grunge and his jacket would be made to protect his arms from bites.

Zeo: In the wake of a civil war, Zeo would be a spy. He would wiggle his way into the enemy's head and steal information, passing it on to those fighting against them. He'd work from behind the scenes like he did in Hades' Co. to overcome yet another evil. Zeo would be a Robinhood to the people providing them with weapons and supplies from across enemy lines. He'd wear a uniform to blend in, likely carrying a pocket knife and other hidden melee weapons.

Jack: To be honest any other scenario besides societal anarchy would leave our dear Jack six feet under. Anarchy, likely an aftermath of a political awakening similar to that in The Joker, would take on people like Jack as a martyr and role model for the lawlessness brought on by previous injustices. He's likely exaggerate his appearance, using everything including smoke and mirrors to make him the mascot of chaos. He'd use dramatic weapons like fancy daggers and carefully crafted handguns.

Damian: Again, anything physical or related to filth would bury your boy, Damian. A technological takeover, the rise of AI would be Damian's best doomsday scenario. Now he will likely be manipulating his way through the chain of command that controls the dangerous machines as fighting against them requires too much bravery on his part. He'd likely wear a futuristic style of body armor and carry an advanced laser rifle to finish off those the machines forgot to take care of.

Reiji: Oh god. Reji? This guy would kick ass in a world forced to move underground in vaults or underground cities due to massive volcanic bursts or an ice age. He spent most of his time in the Dark Nebula isolated and in the dark, he would likely be a troublesome leader of a faction, taking from settlements and building a gang of his own. He'd wear tattered jeans and a sleeveless top, with armor fashioned for trash and discarded building material. He'd wield crude weapons made similarly to his armor and modern weapons stolen from the underground settlements.

Dynamis: Give this guy any apocalypse that deals with people and he will live easy. Surviving in the ruins of an ancient civilization, he had basically lived the apocalypse his whole life. He'd be far away from the tensions occurring in the cities and towns. He'd likely defend his home with homemade, but expertly crafted weapons wearing much of the same things he does normally.

Johannes: I reeeaaaallly wanted to say he wouldn't survive anything because he'd be too distracted purring and licking his crotch to fight, but I'd be lying. I picture him in a mad max scenario, riding across a scorched earth, likely under the command of someone much more together but just as insane. He'd probably keep his outfit but upgrade it to the demands of the desert. His weapon would likely be a crude brass knuckles with large claw-like blades to keep up his cat fursona.

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