Milkshakes: Gingka

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(A/N): Here goes nothing! I hope you enjoy!

This morning had been as vexing as a three-year-old on crack and appeared to be never-ending. It all started when you made your way to the Bey-Pit. You wanted to see if Madoka could take a look at your (B/N). It took forever to get there. There was one kid asking to battle after the next. Of course, you were never really the type to say no to a great battle. 

"3...2...1... Let It Rip!"

You launched (B/N) and took out your opponents one by one. Each win left you with a small twinge of guilt as you didn't give it your all nor put your heart into it. It wasn't a real battle unless you gave it your all and set your spirit on fire. 

As if that was not enough, your shoe was untied and got caught in the sidewalk and sent you falling on your face. Perfect. You were exhausted, beat up by the pavement, and if you were to be honest, a little annoyed when you opened the door to the shop. "Madoka?" You called out as you descended the stairs. 

When you made it down to her workshop you realized you where alone. Bummer. You assumed she'd be back soon. That girl never left her workshop for long. You decided to make yourself comfortable while you waited.

After a while, you looked up and heard footsteps down the stairs. You perked up a little bit at how little you had to wait. Though the excitement was shortlived to see Gingka and Masamune. Honestly, the bummer was Masamune. You had had feelings for the fun, loving, redhead for quite a while now. You looked up and gave an exhausted smile to them both. "Hey, guys!" You stood and leaned on the desk. "Have you seen Madoka?" Your hand slipped on the desk and made you fall back a little. 

Masamune snorted at the clumsiness which resulted in a disapproving look from Gingka. "Hey (Y/N)! I think she was going shopping with Hikaru? Why?" he said smiling. 

The Pegasus boy walked over to assist in your awkward slip and help you up. You blushed and let him assist resulting in another snicker from Masamune. You and Gingka both rolled your eyes. "Anyway..." you said shooting unicorn boy a look, "I was hoping to get my (B/N) in for a checkup... and just getting here took some effort." You sighed. 

Ginka looked at you, intently listening and when you finished, pondering what to do. "Hmm... sounds like a rough day (Y/N)" He said sitting by you. 

Masamune rolled his eyes, "Wow, effort? Sounds so exhausting, how are you able to even stand?" he mocked. 

"SHUT UP!" You and Gingka both shouted at him. 

You both giggled as he stomped back upstairs. "I know when I'm not wanted." He grumbled, which made things even funnier.

You two sat in silence for a while. You, in your tired glory and Gingka, thinking up a way to make things better. You two were always talking about Beyblade, life, food. He was a true blader and a true friend.  

"Ah! I got it... you need a burger!" Gingka shouted in triumph.

You burst out laughing. "What? Is food your solution for everything?" You teased already knowing the answer. 

Gingka scratched the back of his head, "Haha...yeah! Um, Milkshake?" he said still trying really hard to help.

He always knew how to make you smile and to be honest, a milkshake sounded great. You grinned and nodded. "Gingka, that sounds amazing!" you giggled.

He smiled and took you by the hand darting out of the Bey-Pit and to the little burger joint you guys loved to hang out at after a good battle. 

Masamune huffed seeing those two speed off and out of the pit.

At The Burger Place

You and Gingka sat next to each other in a booth both slurping down a milkshake. You smiled at him. "Hey, Gingka?" you said looking over, "Thanks, I needed this. Like today, all those battles, I felt like I didn't give it my all. I know it was unfair of me as a blader and-" 

Before you continued, Gingka cupped your face and pulled you into a kiss.

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