It's Fine: Beyblade Crush (Part II)

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A/N: Sorry to keep you guys waiting <3

Plink. Just outside the frigid barricade of the second bathroom stall, a faucet proceeded to weep. Less than a minute ago, you commiserated with the broken sink, drenching your cheeks and lashes with panicked tears. Your fingers gripped a damp wad of tissues you didn't trust yourself to discard just yet. Regret clung to your skull as your ribs ached from the heavy sobs that left your body shivering. Minutes were wasting away and postponing your embarrassment would only leave you with more to wrestle with later. 

"(Y/N)?" His worry bounced off the bathroom walls in whispers.

Your lungs exploded like a balloon as his voice ripped you away from your panic party. You mind didn't take long to return to it though as you searched for something to respond with. Everything sounded too pathetic -as if crying in a bathroom in front of your crush wasn't enough

"Hey, please don't hide." He spoke softly leaving you debating whether he was asking out of empathy or pity. 

You stretched just enough to unlock the bathroom stall before you returned to hugging your knees. Words weren't doing what they were supposed to right now.

His footsteps echoed throughout the bathroom as he made his way over to you. 

You felt his shadow twist around your frame like you wished he would, like he just had when you broke down out there. You continued to look away, hiding the waterfall of dried mascara and red cheeks you didn't want him to see.

"Can I come in?"

You nodded, still refusing to look at him. This was the part where he let's you down easy, says 'I have a girlfriend' or some bullshit you knew you would have to swallow along with a gallon of ice cream and a bag of hot Cheetos later. You had already thrown so much pride away. Crying in front of him, confessing to him, you wanted to die. 

"Did you mean that?"

His question sliced through your self-loathing like a katana through fragile silk. You stared at him in shock. Men could be such idiots, as if you having a panic attack in the bathroom was all because you wanted to confess to him for shits and giggles? You sighed a shaky breath, "Yeah." you croaked.

You were no longer going to hide or cower. The cat was already out of the bag. Whatever happened next would be his choice. Something you couldn't possibly have control over. Whatever happens, hap-

"Good." The corner of his lip flicked upwards in a bashful grin. 


"I honestly had zero clue if you liked me back or not..." he confessed, "I didn't want to ask and come off as some creepy weirdo if you didn't." He shrugged. 

"Wait so... you were into me?!?!" You asked a little too loudly.

"Um... yeah!" He chuckled.

"And so you let me cry and freak out thinking I was the weirdo!?" You shoved him playfully, "You dick!"

He laughed, "Not like you left me anytime to respond!" He nudged you back.

You grinned, "I guess you're right..." you sighed looking at the wall across from where both of you sat. 

The man stood, offering you his hand to stand up. You grinned taking it and leaving the stall. Red eyes caught a glimpse of your tears streaked cheeks and messy hair in the mirror causing you to drop his hand to fix it. 

As you two finished closing the shop, the energy shifted to something giddy and exciting. The two of you couldn't walk two steps without meeting each other's eyes. When both of you stood outside the store, peering back in at your hard work and a night neither of you would soon forget, (C/N) turned and looked at you with a goofy, boy-ish grin, "So does this count as a date?"

You rolled your eyes, "Nice try... I'm free tomorrow night though!" 

"See you tomorrow (Y/N)..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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