Carnival: Nile

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A/N: Hey there, this one might be a bit short and on my list to add on to. If you want more let me know in the comments! Happy reading!

Nile had worked up enough courage to not melt into a total mess when he asked you out. He wanted to make everything perfect for you, waiting for the right moment, right place, turns out, he was quite the romantic. He opened up his heart to you when you two were walking in the park. The orange glow of the sunset helped mask just how hard he was blushing. He asked you out on a date to the carnival a little way out of the city. 


You fussed with your hair in the mirror, putting a little extra effort into your appearance. Nile loved who you were, no matter what you wore; However, tonight, you wanted to be at your best.

You heard a gentle knocking at your door. Your heart fluttered. You took one last look at the mirror and opened the door.

Nile's eyes went wide as he took you in, "Wow (Y/N)... You're beautiful." He smiled and held out his hand for you to take it.

--- The Carnival ---

The night was perfect. The moon and bright lights made the world glow around you and Nile. The two of you strolled around the carnival, taking in the sights and laughing at the performers and clowns that passed by.

Nile looked over to you, a shy grin on his lips, "You know, I never really liked clowns all that much. Not that I've seen very many..."

You giggled, "Me neither. They're a little scary."

He laughed and walked with you. In the chaos and screaming of kids around you, Nile's silence was comforting and reassuring. You loved being with him, whether that meant conversation or just being in each other's company. 

You two walked past a booth with a huge stuffed (Favorite Animal) as the prize. Your eyes got big. Nile smirked and placed some money on the counter. The vendor set up the game. "Good luck!" 

Nile grinned at you, "Are you ready?"

You smiled nervously, "As ever!"

The game was one with darts and balloons. You two began to throw the darts and to your surprise, Nile was a pro, hitting two at a time, one throw after the other. You tried to throw like him but you weren't very good. He set down his darts and moved over to help you. "Try to flick your wrist," he said with gentle fingers moving your wrist in the motion. You hit the balloon right away. 

"There you go!" He grinned pecking your check.

You flushed, both yours and his cheeks turned pink. 

"Uh... I think we won." He said scratching the back of his head.  

The vendor sighed, "Anything from the top shelf." It was pretty obvious that he'd seen enough pda 

You grinned, "Can I have the (favorite animal)? Please?"

You two walked away giggling. 

"Where did you learn to throw like that Nile?"

The male shrugged with a coy smirk, "I used to train with Horuseus using targets... but that doesn't matter," he said biting his lip thinking, "W-want to check out that Ferris wheel?" He said sweetly.

You nodded a little hesitantly and the two of you made your way to the wheel. Once you guys were buckled in, you smiled nervously. You were a little scared of heights. Nile looked over with a worried expression on his face. "You okay?" he said holding your hand. 

You turned pink but nodded, "Y-yea." 

He smiled, "I'll keep you safe (Y/N)." He smiled sweetly, pulling you close to him.

You grinned and kissed his cheek, "Thank you." 

Nile blushed once more, "N-no, Thank you (Y/N) Tonight was so fun." He leaned in but paused, "Is this ok?"

You nodded.

Nile grinned and cupped your face pulling you into a soft kiss as you accended with only the night sky around you. 

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