Weirdo: Hyoma

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It had been a couple of months since you had met Hyoma. That day he explained that his name came from both a mountain and a monster and that he liked the smell of grass. Some might have called him odd, you were one of those who did. He always kept you guessing, switching up his personality every other time you hung out. 

You couldn't help but wonder why he was so elusive and mysterious. You'd tell your friends about the time you and Hyoma spent together, but when it got down to them asking "What is he like?", you didn't possess an answer.

Tonight, you planned on asking the mountain man who he really was. You loved his sense of humor and how he'd pull random facts out of thin air, that part you knew was real...but sometimes, it would feel like he was pushing you away by covering up his personality. Over the past month, you knew you wanted to be closer to him. He was the one person you could be yourself with. You prayed he could one day feel the same way. 


You two had just come home from dinner and were having a great time. Tonight, he decided to be the rugged Hyoma. He was full of wildlife stories and puffed out his chest a bit. This wasn't one of your favorite versions fo him. Sitting there at the diner, you tried to put yourself in his shoes. Altering your personality was a difficult thing to do. Especially when it came to the amount Hyoma presented something new. The relationship between the frequency, difficulty, and consistency, made it very difficult to draw even a sliver of a conclusion to explain why.

You set your bag on a chair and jacket on the rack. You did have fun tonight, it was always fun with Hyoma. You went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, leaving the door open. You needed to prepare yourself, come up with dialogue in your head. Okay, deep breaths (Y/N)...deep-

"(Y/N)?" Hyoma peeked in through the open door, "There's uh something I want to tell you...whenever you're settled in." Hyoma smiled and left.

This caught you off guard. His outdoorsman persona went out the door. You walked out and found him perched on the arm of the couch, staring off in space.

"Hyoma, before you tell me, I have something I want to ask you." You sighed looking at him.

"Well, go for it." 

"You sure?"

"Yes. Go for it!"

"Alright," You took a deep breath and looked him in the eye, "Who are you?"


You exhaled, "Hyoma, since the day we met you have been like twenty different people every time we see each other. I want to know the real you!" You shrugged despite laying your heart out there.

Hyoma looked at you, a soft smile on his lips but a deeper sadness rested in his eyes. He put his hand on your arm with the utmost caution. "(Y/N), I wish I could give you a half-decent answer. You see, when I met you, I was just trying to protect Koma village...When I found out how interesting and wonderful you were, I guess I just worried you wouldn't see me in the same light." Hyoma's big grey eyes looked into yours with a new openness you hadn't seen before.

You looked at Hyoma, your heart wanted to laugh and cry at the same time! "Hyoma, I think you are incredible. But you don't need to be different people to be interesting! I want you to feel like you can be yourself. You are the one person that sees me for who I am." You said taking his hand in yours. 

Hyoma smiled with awe, a precious light sparkled in his eyes. "You really mean that? I mean the real Hyoma...he can be pretty weird, and quiet, and-"

"and... the one person I love to be around!" You said bumping your arm into his playfully. "Hyoma, you already have been weird. I'm weird too. Us weirdos need to stick together." You said with a smirk that was so sweet, it could have been dripping with honey. 

Hyoma smiled and squeezed your hand. "Well then, from now on I promise no more faking you out. It will be the real me from here on out... you have been warned!"

You laughed, "Thank you for the warning. Anyway, you said you had something you want to say?" You raised an eyebrow curiously.

Hyoma's cheeks flushed, "Oh yeah, it was this." He moved in, locking his lips with your own for a mere second before pulling away. "(Y/N), I have been in love with you. The way you have accepted me, I just should have dropped that act and trusted you. You are just so amazing. I just didn't want to mess things up and-"

"It's okay Hyoma. I'm in love with you too. The real you." You smiled and leaned into to plant a sweet kiss onto his lips.

When Hyoma kissed you back, it felt like you were being recharged as an unexplainable shock jolted through your body. As you pulled away, you smiled.

"Hey, I'm Hyoma. It means half monster, half mountain. What's your name?" He held out his hand.

You took his hand and shook it, "I'm (Y/N), It's really great to finally meet you, Hyoma."

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