It's Fine: Beyblade Crush (Part I)

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A/n: Hey loves, I couldn't decide who to do first, so I decided to let you choose! Enjoy!

Why did you say yes? It was a weeknight you could have stayed home wrapped in blankets and cozy socks while watching tv shows on Netflix till your mind went numb, but you volunteered to spend it here -with him

The linoleum floors squeaked beneath every sneaker that dare tread on its dingy grey surface. The floodlights above were yellowing with age, gazing at the younger, eager neon signs that outshined them. A metallic hum of stadiums meeting the tip of multiple beyblades whirred in the background, the eager shouts of their owners echoing off the walls. The windows, once a portal to an overcast world of damp sidewalks and people in a hurry to escape the cold, were now cascaded in darkness, save for the flickering street lights, dawning a faint allusion to the dying day.  

It's fine. You thought to yourself shrugging off an uncontrollable sense of dread, your nerves shivering against your rapid pulse. No. Stop it. You thought, your embarrassment chastised your anxiety.  When Blader DJ stopped you a week ago asking if you'd be willing to close the Bey Stadium tonight, he neglected to mention who would be accompanying you. It wasn't like DJ knew. But what was there to know? (C/N) never hurt you... not intentionally. No, this pain was something you caused yourself. Allowing your mind to see the man across the room and mold your heart around the mere thought of him was torture. Your heart was a masochist, craving only pain by wanting what you dare not have. 

I'm fine. You sighed glancing at the time. It was almost time to start locking the doors. You walked up to the last small group who stood around the Bey stadium in your own time. Some of the younger Bladers you struggled to recognize, knowing a few of the older ones as acquaintances. You cleared your throat. Your (e/c) eyes darted to (c/n) for a millisecond before you spoke, "Hey guys, like five more minutes before I- I mean we have to start closing up." You smiled through your struggles, eyes landing on (c/n) in hopes of including him in the conversation. 

The young bladers began to protest and the panic swelled as your closing partner hesitated to speak, your authority squirming like a worm on a hook. 

"Hey, you can all come back tomorrow ok?" (c/n) grinned, returning your gaze.

Heat filled the apples of your cheeks as you nodded, fearful your words might betray you. 

The bladers sighed and began to leave, grabbing their items and clumsily bustling out the door. You watched the glass door close behind them, a sigh of relief leaving your lips. You let the silence, orchestrated by the murmur of the vending machines, into your mind, trying to relax. It was just you and-

"I'm sure their parents are thrilled their kids are staying out past their bedtime to Beyblade." (c/n) smirked, his sarcasm shattering the quiet.

You laughed, playing with your shirt sleeve, "Yeah, I can't imagine staying up this late to do anything, let alone Beyblade." You grinned.

"We used to." He smiled, "Now we are just disgruntled old people in charge of mopping the floor and ridding the place of the lingering scent of teenager."

"Ah yes," you giggled, forgetting why you were so anxious to talk to him in the first place, "These youngins' better enjoy it while it lasts. But that B.O. smell, that isn't going anywhere. Trust me." 

The both of you laughed, eyes hooked on each other's gaze. That is until your thoughts began to run wild... Your mind loved to torture you with "What if's". Scheming ways that the two of you could happily end up together. It was overwhelming. As the guilt of placing (c/n) into a false reality he couldn't consent to shook you back to the present, you sighed, moving to the janitor's closet for a broom. 

You watched (c/n) from a side glance, selecting two brooms and placing one in your male counterpart's hand, "I guess we should get started?" you shrugged.

He nodded, professionalism washing away the small amount of intimacy you two shared. Fuck. You frowned, wishing he could see what you felt so saying it out loud wasn't such an impossible option. 

Your friends were the only ones who really knew. It wasn't helpful when they'd state the obvious "You don't know unless you tell him" bullshit. There was too much to lose if you were to be so bold. You weren't someone in his inner circle, possessing the same inside jokes and history his friends did.  You were still on the outside, barely breaking through with sarcastic banter and casual conversations. But for you, that was still too much to lose. With (c/n), you felt seen. 

As the two of you began to sweep up the trash and thin layer of miscellaneous dirt and dust that accumulated on the floor throughout the day, you bit your lip, sneaking glances every few steps. There were times the two of you exchanged glances, a friendly grin covering up any lust to be found in this mutual gaze. You huffed and continued to work telling yourself it was better to just keep going, ignoring the feelings and intoxication he made you feel. 

It had been close to fifteen minutes since you finished sweeping and started wiping down the bey stadiums. (c/n) was at the windows, pulling down the metal shudders and checking to make sure the doors were locked. You couldn't help but wonder if he put this kind of care and consideration into everything he did. As you pondered every choice you ever made, you noticed he could see you staring at him through the reflection in the window. Your eyes widened and tried to return to the stadium you were wiping down. Footsteps began to echo towards you.




"You alright?" he asked sitting on the stadium you were working on. 

You swallowed hard, "It's fine... Or I uh, I'm.... fine." You blushed.

(c/n) pursed his lips, "I can tell when you're lying."

You furrowed your brow, "How? You don't know me that well." You said feeling ice creep around you. Freezing out your feelings for the male before you, "I just don't want to make things weird ok?"

(c/n) slid down to the floor next to you, his hands resting on his knees as he looked over at you perplexed, "I care about you and you are obviously upset, what would you possibly have to say that would make things weird?" He paused a small smile on his lips, "I'm pretty weird myself, I think I can handle it, (y/n)." He smiled.

You sighed feeling the salt of your tears begin to sting your eyes, "I can't..."

"It's ok."

"I want to, I-"

"I am here for you." He smiled rubbing your back.

You felt like you were going to combust, you inhaled a shaky breath before trying to look him in the eye, "I like you."

"I like you too." He smiled, "But what's-"

"No, I like you. I have a stupid crush on you. There. I said it. Now it's weird. I know it can never happen... I just, sorry." You croaked, attempting to stand up. Your body shivered, threatening to cry.

"(y/n), hold on." He reached his hand out to you.

You shook your head and ran towards the bathroom.

(c/n) sat by the stadium. Unsure of what to do next.

You slid down the wall of the bathroom stall, tears trailing down each cheek. Your body shook gasping with every muffled sob. This is fine.

To be continued...

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