Falling: Tsubasa

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A/N: This is a long one but enjoy!

The world below looked so small from the roof of the WBBA tower. You were perched on the side, letting your eyes take in everything. The bright yellow raincoats and colorful umbrellas, the glowing lights that each bared a luminous halo, it was beautiful. Some might have called you insane for sitting out and allowing yourself to get drenched by the rain, but you lived for it. The rain pelted the windows, drumming a solid tattoo into the building around you. You closed your eyes and let your senses guide you.


You were getting frustrated. It seemed like the attacks where coming from nowhere. You huffed and eyed Tsubasa, trying to understand him. He stood there and kept his cool as if it was just the beginning of the battle. But things were looking bleak for you and your bey, (B/N). You fought hard and weren't planning on surrendering just yet. Winning was everything. You watched as Eagle landed another attack. There. There was your opening. You called upon your bey's special move and struck a strong blow. Tsubasa smiled. He was impressed. But he wasn't going to back down. "You fought well. But a bey battle is more than what you can see (Y/N), it calls upon your other senses as well." He spoke before delivering the final blow with Eagle's Metal Wing Smash.


Tsubasa's words echoed inside your head. From that battle, you had learned something about beyblade, but also something about Tsubasa. You had realized that that battle wasn't him just trying to win; He was teaching you. Since then, you tried your best to become stronger by sharpening your senses, learning how to calculate your next move, and get out of your head. Your friend Gingka once said beyblade was about heart. You were going to use all of it in your rematch with Tsubasa.

The Rematch

Today was the day you had been training for. You had pushed yourself to another level of understanding when it came to you and your bey. You walked into Tsubasa's office he held at the WBBA and looked him in the eye. You were ready to face him. The adrenaline avalanched through your veins, making your heart thrust against your ribs in excitement. "Tsubasa Otori, will you battle me?" You asked your eyes gazing intently at your friend before adding a polite "Please?".

His eyes sparked, maybe it was because you barged in like you owned the place but the smirk that danced on his lips gave away the answer before he even parted them to speak. "(Y/N), of course, I will battle you." He said scanning your face. It was like he could see your blader's spirit and that it was on fire.

You walked with him to one of the larger arenas within the facility. You couldn't wait to show him how much you improved. You watched him methodically pull out his launcher and Eagle as he prepared. You set up (B/N) and looked across the stadium.

"3...2...1...Let it rip!" You both shouted as you launched your beys.

Right away, it was obvious to see you had become stronger. Your attacks began pushing Eagle back right away. You looked up to see Tsubasa, his eyes were wide, a smile graced his features. Was that pride you saw? It didn't matter. Eagle flew above the stadium setting up for a series of aerial attacks. You closed your eyes. One... you heard Eagle pause in the air, Two... you heard it start to descend, Three... You opened your eyes and had (B/N) escape Eagles talons. You then initiated a devastating counter-attack that shocked both you and Tsubasa. You grinned as you felt your confidence ascend like Tsubasa's beautiful bey. The same one that reciprocated the offense while you were distracted.

"Eagle! Counter Stance!"

You were shaken out of your mental victory dance as Eagle began to hit harder. You had pulled Tsubasa to use his real strength for the first time. This accomplishment was something you were not about to back down from. Not yet. You fought back with every part of your heart. You were on fire, and Tsubasa saw that.

"(B/N), go!" You called out.

There was no way you were gonna lose this. You had to prove your hard work. The effort, time, patience, you put into your bey, it was for this moment. You couldn't back down. Not now. Your (B/N) unleashed a series of attacks that caused Eagle to falter slightly. Looked like you were getting close. You called on your bey's special move to seal the deal. But it was too late. Before you knew it, Eagle soared once more.

"Eagle! Smashing claw!"

With that Tsubasa took you and your win in his eagle's talons sending your bey out of the stadium. You fell to your knees. You lost. It was so sudden. You stared at your bey with disappointment. You closed your eyes and listened to Tsubasa's footsteps as he approached you. They soon shot open as you felt his warm arms around you.

"That was a perfect battle (Y/N). You were even harder to battle this time, you are a strong blader." He said kissing your forehead.

You froze before melting into his arms. After a moment, you felt him shift.


You looked up.

"I think I'm falling for you..." He said with confused determination.

You grinned and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, "Good cause I've already fallen."

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