t w e n t y t w o

Start from the beginning

"Yes, actually I wanted to talk to you first," I spoke, nervously intertwining my sweaty fingers, as she entered and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What is this about?" She asked, her eyes searching mine curiously.

"It's about Harry and I. W-We used to date back in high school, before either of us became famous,"

+ +


"She what?" I asked, as Kendall retold the earlier events with her mother.

"Like I said, she wanted me and you to sit down with her and my dad," She said, pursing her lips, as she tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear.

"And what did you say?" I asked, nodding at the nature of parents.

"I told her that I'd have to check with you first," She said, looking at me.

"Of course I'd sit down with them," I spoke, taking her hands in mine.

I noticed her blush a little at my gesture, as she cleared her throat and nodded at me.

"Okay then," She licked her lips, and I smirked at her flushed state.

"How are your parents?" She randomly asked, her eyes met mine.

I smile, as I lie down, ready to reply, and she slowly follows me onto the bed.


"She still asks about you," Harry chuckles, his chest vibrating under me. I was currently resting my head in the crook of his neck, as my back was pressed to his bare chest, and he played with my fingers.

"Yeah?" I smile at the memory of his mother.

"Yeah, she misses you," He quietly adds, and I could the shift in demeanor.

Silence followed his last remark. I didn't know how to answer him without touching a nerve, so I just dropped it.

"I miss this," My tongue betrays me, as the words slip out of my mouth, widening my eyes.

"Me too," Came the quiet reply, as I stared at the wall, replaying the memories we shared together.

The silence was interrupted by my phone ringing, snapping me out of my trance.

"Hello?" I picked up, as I spotted my mom's name on the screen.

"Kendall Nicole Jenner, it's almost midnight and you're out?! You've got an important shoot and meeting tomorrow with Marc Jacobs' people," My mom rambled on the phone, and I sighed.

"I'm on my way," I simply reply, before hanging up.

"I guess I'll see you around?" I ask, after getting off Harry and stretching.

"Tomorrow," He says, and we both smile.

I stand by the bedroom door, slipping my boots on, when I notice him start to put a T-shirt on.

"No, you're staying here. I'll be fine. Bye," I planted a small kiss on his lips, interrupting his protests, before quickly exiting the room, double-checked I had taken my belongings.

+ +
(Next day)

"Kendall, you must be so excited," Kylie spoke, squeezing my hand, and I shifted my gaze from the French streets to address her.

"Extremely," I reply, before looking back at the window, glancing at my quiet mother for a split second. She refused to look me in the eye, and I sighed.

Kylie felt the tension in the car, cleared her throat, making mom fake-cough back.

I pursed my lips, hoping a rough day wasn't ahead of me.


"I'm Kendall," I introduced myself for the fifth time that day, shaking hands with the staff members and smiling at them.

They would occasionally nod or ask for a picture, stating they were fans.

My mom and I entered an office, where a tall man sat at the head of the long table, along with a couple of other men and women.

The man at the head of the table stood up and introduced himself as the second CEO to Marc Jacobs' industry. The others around him introduced themselves as assistants, salespeople and marketing people.

"I'm Kendall," I said, as I shook hands with the second CEO.

"Have a seat please, Ms. Kendall and Mrs. Jenner," An assistant said, and we were seated, as the lights dimmed and the white screen in front of the table turned on.

They presented some sample clothing pieces and gave out some sketches Marc Jacobs had done, then the real outfits and what I would model exactly.

We talked about the deal, my mom understanding my perspectives and explaining them, before I signed the contract, polite claps filling the room after I had set the pen down.

"Kendall, how about we start how? You've got a busy schedule back in LA," My mom says quietly and I nod furiously, before remembering to look professional.

"This way, Ms. Kendall," An assistant showed me the way to the hair and makeup stylists.

+ +

"Oh my God, Harry. It's insane," I said to him, as I heard him chuckle through the phone.

"It was surreal and I got to wear this-" I started to explain, but Harry cut me off.

"Contract confidentiality, remember?" Harry says and I gasp, remembering the contract I signed.

"So, Irene called me earlier. Are you free later today? To do some sightseeing?" He asks, and I smile.

"I would love to actually," I say, making sure to clear a space in my schedule.

"Glad you're up for it, Ms. Kendall," Our chuckles were interrupted by a loud knock on the dressing room I was occupying.

"Ms. Kendall? We've got a couple more outfits left, and little time," A woman reminded me, as I sighed, Harry chuckling.

"I'm sorry, we'll text, yeah?" I say, removing the wig I had on my head, and shaking my hair loose.

"It's alright. We'll meet later. Go on, do your thing," He playfully scolds, before we hang up, leaving me smiling.

I unlock the door and let the woman in, as she dumped a pile of new clothes onto the chair next to me.

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