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"You sure??" I asked the woman standing infront of me, completely shook with the information she delivered.

"Here, drink some water, Luna." She offered me a glass and i took it, not really knowing what im doing at the moment.

After that, too in shock to even say goodbye, i left without saying anything.
I had one goal, to make it home.

On my way, i could hear people talking, people saying hi and asking if i was okay but i just kept passing by them, not really in the mood for interacting with anyone other than my mate and my teenage son.

When i was about 100 feet away from the pack house, i started sensing Nate's presence so i moved faster until i could see him and when i did, i ran to be in his embrace.

He was talking to his betta, gamma and head of worriers all together for some reason but that didn't stop me from jumping forward and hugging him tightly, i was crying now and didn't want anyone other than my mate to see me looking this weak and vulnerable.

- take me home, please. -
I said in our mindlink because of being incapable of doing so through out my sobs.

"We'll figure this out later. " Nate dismissed them while walking away with me wrapped around him like a koala bear. "Whats wrong, beautiful?" He then whispered in my ear while kissing my temple.

- can we just get to bed right now? -
I desperately asked and he nodded with a kiss on my temple.


"Is mom okay?" I vaguely heard Xander say but i was too dazed to do anything other than giving up to the darkness that was overtaking me.


Waking up after crying your eyes out is one of the hardest things ever, specially if it's accompanied by a major headache and in my case right now, also a heartache.

Trying hard to open up my puffy eyes, i tried to get out of the bed and to the bathroom, which i miserably succeeded in.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, i sighed and made my way to the shower. After i was done crying my eyes out once more, i got out and decided to get it together. I needed to confront Nate and Xander, but i had no idea how to. I had no idea how they would react to a news like that and i was literally petrified.

Trying so hard not to start crying once more, i made my way out of the bathroom and started searching for Nate in the mate bond, something that I've learned a couple of years ago and kept using it to my advantage basically every day ever since!

"He's here.. so here we go.." i whispered to myself and started getting into some black short shorts and a black tshirt that reminds me of one of the sweetest memories ive got.
I remember the day that i was gifted this tshirt like it was just yesterday.


On the day before my 23d birthday, little Xander came up to me out of nowhere and asked if he could go shopping for Sandra with some of the pack members that were heading out to some newly opened shopping center. Of course i denied at first, because i didn't want him in any sort of danger but Lily came to his rescue and let me know that her and Damien were also heading to the same place with the group.
So, long story short, i let him go and went to do the paperwork that was supposed to be done by that same evening in my little office in the pack house.

About thirty minutes after saying goodbye to everyone and staying in the office, staring at the walls without getting any work done, i found myself crying profusely and not long after that, Nate barged in to see what was wrong with me.

Becoming Luna [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now