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Its been a little over two weeks that ive known Nathaniel and it was going great.
He was absolutely amazing, caring and understanding.
We talked about our terms in a relationship and came up with some pretty good ideas that satisfied another. He told me about marking and mating and what being a luna means and requires, i was pretty fine with most of them, but there was one of these that took me off guard and was an absolute *HELL NO* for me: The marking.
When Nate told me that he has to bite my neck, i was a little unsure about whether im fine with it or not, but when he explained the reason behind it i became 100% sure that this is not what i would want. We had a big fight over it and i kicked him out of my house that day, ignoring him completely for a whole day.

I didn't want to be marked because i felt like its a barbaric move. I just dont get why the heck on earth should i let him do that to me? I mean, im not a dog or what ever for him to put on a collar around me and claim that im HIS!! Who the heck would actually wanna do that? And all of those reasons aside, it also is not fair that i dont get to mark him back.

After our big fight, he texted me and told me to meet him in the cafeteria around the corner for my lunch pause, where we first met. I went there and saw him looking miserable, he told me that it would be so hard to control his wolf and stop him from marking me but if thats what it takes for me to be with them, they're both willing to try.

The next few days after that i stayed in his house and got to meet Jackson and Damien more, and when i was about to leave, Nate asked me to move in with him.
I wasnt sure about it first and said ill think about it.

Well, getting back to the present time, i was waiting for Nate to come and get me. Apparently there's this other alpha that is visiting Nate's pack and i, as the luna, have to be there.

I heard a knock on the door and jumped out of my seat, it must be Nate, we separated last night and its only been about 10 hours that we haven't seen each other but i was already craving for him. Well, the fact that we only gave pecks on each others lips or cheeks after that hot session in his room was not helping either!

"Coming!" I said and opened the door. Nate was leaning on the the door frame smiling.

"Ready, my Luna?"

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek, going inside to get my bag.

We didn't say anything in the car, enjoying the silence, when we reached his house i said hi to Jackson and Damien who were apparently chilling on the couch and made my way upstairs to put my bag in his room.

In the last few weeks, i realised that im such a loud person while doing stuff, like throwing stuff here and there and because of their sensitive hearing, i decided to control myself, though i still shout and yell and exaggerate when needed. I put my bag silently on the ground, not wanting to make the guys storm upstairs in the room, like they did a week ago, thinking ive fallen or something!

Making my way downstairs i could hear them talking to each other, "-Youre getting weak, you cant let it be." It was Jackson who said it.

"I dont want to lose her, if thats what she wants thats what she gets, i couldn't care less about myself-"

"But alpha, she has to at least know what her-"

Nate growled and said "Stop it." Guess he realized im eavesdropping, Oops!!?!!

"What is it?" I asked, going to hug Nate.

"Nothing for my kitten to worry about." He said and kissed my forehead.

Both Jackson and Damien sighed loudly and Nate growled at them to warn them.

"Theyre here." Jackson said and Nate nodded, putting his hands on my cheeks and pulling me to him, kissing my lips and staying like that for a second, seemingly regaining some energy.
Wow, he really does seem exhausted, what have i done to make him like this??
He pulled away and smiled at me, opening his eyes after a while.

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