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"Uhhhhh, you smell so goooooooooood, i can not wait to take you all in" i moaned when i finally had our food placed on my lap.

"You definitely need to stop that." Nate said looking tortured and in pain.

"WHAT?WHY? I just loooooooooove the smell of these goodies on my lap, how can you resist it??" I was shocked at how indifferent he was being towards the burger and fries that we just bought.

"Oh believe me, there are a lot of things over there that are inviting and if you don't stop moaning right now, i dont think both me or my wolf can stop ourselves from devouring one of them. "

-Well, which would that be??!!- I thought, totally confused and he just laughed and started the car.

"OH.MY.GOD." i said with a voice slightly higher than normal and blushed like a crazy person.
Yes, i finally connected the dots after about ten minutes and realized what he was talking about earlier.
He turned his head towards me and then laughed hard when he saw my tomato red face.

I let out a frustrated groan and moved my attention to the food.

"I can't wait anymore. Im gonna start eating. "

"We're only minutes away from the field. "He stated and i groaned again. "Wow, i should remember the fact that you get so violent when youre hungry and feed you all the time."

"Uhhhhhh, i just LOVE burgers, I FREAKING.LOVE.THEM!!" i said moaning again at the thought of burgers! I know, its weird but what can i say?! It just satisfies me so freaking badly!! And i love to see how badly i effect him.

"Bloody hell, woman. Stop moaning for fucks sake." Nate snapped and hit the wheel with the back of his hands. My eyes widened, mouth opened and brows raised at the tone and act and basically everything. I was slightly hurt and offended but mostly amused, which i decided not to show the last one, so i pulled my offended mask on and averted my eyes from his face and meanwhile got a glimpse of the huge bulge on his pants! I wanted to chuckle but stopped myself and looked at the road.

"Im sorry i snapped. " He broke the silence and i bursted into laughter, my eyes watered and i knew that it would make a mess around my eyes so i attempted to stop laughing but it was almost impossible.

When we arrived at the entrance of the field we had to buy tickets and i jumped out of my seat when i remembered what i wanted to do earlier, but it was almost too late to do so because Nate was already about to give the guy his card "WAIT WAIT WAIT" i said, throwing myself to his seat and putting one hand on his lap (the one near his door) and the other on his hand, the one that was holding a card, and put his hand down. He was so shocked that just looked at me with wide eyes like im a crazy lady, which i am! wait until you see more of me buddy!!, Then i gave the guy my own card and payed for the tickets.
When he gave me the card back, Nate was sending daggers at me but i just smiled at him and returned to my seat while tapping on his lap for a few times.

He didn't say anything and just drove to one of the parking spots and turned the engine off. Taking a look around, i saw the big screen infront of us and smiled, ive always wanted to come to somewhere like this, ive seen so many movies that involved people coming to places like this, staying in their own car and own little world, and watching the movie on the big screen infront of them. It was a really cool and-

"Why did you pay?" He broke the silence.
Looking at him i saw something like hurt in them.
"You paid for the goodies over here-" pointing my fingers towards the food "-it was the least i could do. It was either this or paying for my own burger and after that half of the ticket which would've been awkward!!" I said shrugging my shoulders at the end.

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