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"Mark me." I whispered softly in his ear.

What i said made his whole relaxed attire change and he went rigid within my hold, "Don't." He seethed out.
That is definitely not what i expected for him to say, and how i thought he'd react.

Pulling back, i tried to look him in the eyes but his eyes were closed and he looked furious. What the fuck is wrong with him?

"What has gotten into you? I thought you wanted this, you are getting weak because of this for gods sake." I fired back angrily but kept my voice low.

"Who told you about that?" His eyes were suddenly open and filled with rage. I could see Ryder was fighting for dominance.

"You should've been the one telling me about it." I answered and threw daggers at him with my glare.

"I'm not doing it." He said, finality dripping from his words and expression.

"Why?" I asked, defeated and slightly rejected.

"Because you were right." He says and loosens his hold on my waist, trying to get away. But im not gonna let him ruin this.

"It's not worth it, Nathaniel. I don't want to hurt you," pulling my head down and staring at his feet, i continue, "i don't want to lose you."

"Okay." He said but something in his voice has changed, i look up and stare at his black eyes, Ryder, of course it would be him!

I chuckle sadly and shake my head.

"He's an idiot, you know? Dont be sad, little mate." Ryder says and hugs me, kissing the top of my head and inhaling my scent.

"Let him have control, Ryder." I said lowly and Ryder growled in return, everything stopped around us and everyone turned to look our way, they were terrified of what might happen next.

"Why?" He says, furious for some reason. I frown at him and wait for an explanation which he doesn't budge to give.

"You'll get what you want Ry, just let me talk to him now." I said and he huffed, nodding his head.

It didn't take long for his eyes to go back to its normal blue color, he looked at me vaguely and tightened his grip on my waist, putting his head down on my shoulder. "Lets get out of here." I whispered and he nodded his head, we intertwined our hands and walked out of that place. When we were inside the elevator, I didn't hesitate neither wait for the door to close and lunged at him, kissing him hungrily with a little bit of anger. I suspected he would pull away but he didn't, he kissed me back with the same hunger but also sadness along the way.

When the door of the elevator opened i pulled away from the kiss and walked to the room, knowing he was hot on my heels.

"Liz, i don't want-" he started to say while closing the door but i was a woman on a mission, pushing his back to the door i started to kiss him again, my arms were wrapped around his neck and his were frozen on my sides, he was trying to stay unaffected by my fingers in his hair and my lips on his but the bulge in his pants gave him away, showing how much he wanted it all.

I pulled away from the kiss and started kissing his cheek and moved to his earlobe and bite it, he moaned at the touch and squeezed my waist in between his hands making me moan in return in his ear, "Mark me." I purred again and he growled, pushing me away and stopping me.

"I can't. I don't want you to ignore yourself in order to please me or whatever the fuck that it is you think it does for me." he said and made me speechless for a second.

He used this moment to put some distance between us and moved further inside the room while clutching at his tie to take it off.

After putting myself back together i started to follow him inside the room, the amount of love i felt towards him was on full force and even more than before, "Nate-" i almost whispered his name and he fisted his hands on either side of his body.

"Liz, please drop it. Ryder is enough to handle for now, i can't fight with you too. Please."

I smiled at him and made my way toward him. I wanted to tell him i love him cause this intense feeling that i had could not be anything other than love, but i couldn't, i can't.
When i reached him i could see he was tensed all over again and got even more rigid when i came to stop behind his back. I pulled my hands up to put them on the back of his shoulders, moving my hands down and to the front of his body slowly and meanwhile putting my face in the middle of his back, kissing his back lightly and inhaling deeply.

I locked my hands in each other in the front of his body and exhaled, "You don't have to fight him Nate, believe me when i say that i want you to do it." I said, leaning into his body heat.

He huffed and turned around in my hold, making me break it because of his humongous size. Putting his hand under my chin, he pulled it up and looked deep into my eyes, he was about to say something but i beat him to it, i needed to come clear right now, at least a little, "Nate, there is so much that i can't give to you and its killing me to know you let me do this to you. i was blind to not see the signs, but you really are getting weak and do you know how fucking bad i felt when i figured everything out?
Do you remember when i punched Damien?" I asked and he clenched his jaw, growling lowly.

"When you hurt yourself like that? How can i forget?" He said through his clenched teeth.

"So you must remember me fainting too," i said and he nodded his head, looking more pissed than before, "it was because of how guilty i felt for not letting you mark me, for realizing how it affected you and how blind i was." By the time i finished, his eyes were wide open and his face unreadable, "I want you to mark me. Talking to Lexi more about this made me realize that marking is basically marriage in my world and it does freak me out to no end, but im willing to take that step with you, to jump off of the cliff for once and for it to be with you, with you by my side." I said to him and his eyes softened, i think i succeeded in changing his mind!

"I'll always be by your side, my love. "He whispered in my ear and started to trail kisses from my forehead to my lips, "I'll always be there for you, whether you need me or not, I'll always be there." He continued after kissing me passionately and moved down to my neck.

It was getting too heated and i had to stop him, to tell him my last words before it happened so i pushed him back a little. He pulled away and looked confused at me. "I have to warn you, Nate, there is a lot that i cant give to you and it would be too lat-"

"Shhhh, I don't care as long as you're mine." He said and kissed me again.

1286 wrds!

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