Everything Happens For A Reason

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So at around 2 AM on Friday, my cousin Ashleigh Plaza, 22 years-old, skidded on the rain off I-4, the place which is known as "Dead Man's Curve", flipped the car, was ejected due to not wearing her seatbelt, and she died instantly.

I don't know How to feel about this, honestly. I haven't seen her in over 4 years. We planned on going to ComicCon together, and I used to go to music festivals together. My late grandmother and I would pick her up from Howard Middle School at 4pm and she would smile and tell of her day. When my grandmother died, she gave me a bracelet of hers and I gave her something of my grandma's. I still have that bracelet.

Back when I was 10, she gave me some dresses that she wore to music festivals and We still have those photographs of her wearing them when she was 10. I still have those dresses, I stroke the threads.

Yesterday evening, my mom, brother,  and I drove over to my aunt's flat, be mindful that I haven't seen her in 3 years after We left my dad. There was family there that have grown SO MUCH. My cousins Who are in college, I haven't seen them since they were in high school. My Aunt (really cousin) drove all the way up from Miami to help console her sister. She was looking beautiful as ever.

It is a pity. I have gone on for three years believing that my family left with my dad when really, they've wanted us all along.

I believe everything happens for a reason, especially death. You're homeostasis doesn't give out because your timer  went off. Unfortunately, if Ashleigh had not died, I wouldn't have seen my family again.

She had a little brother, Kai. He's seven.

She was also Wiccan, as I am. The one person Who understood me and my beliefs just perished.

But that's okay. Because if she hadn't, I may have gone on longer without seeing my family.

I'm just heart broken. You would think that if your girlfriend and your kids left you, you would try and get better. But no. My dad is in jail at the moment, again.

But no one realizes that this is What I go through on a daily basis...

Just two weeks ago, a couple I volunteered with committed a murder-suicide.

But after they died, my aunt had twins. Ashleigh just died, my cousin is pregnant. Maybe it all balances out.


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