Things That I Wish I Understood

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You see some things I just wish I understood.


Why must every one believe in a different Almighty force that they are convinced created the world? It may be shaped around people's values or what they were raised around but it reflects us somehow. Unfortunately, that diversity has resulted in persecution and war.


I mean, they're so common, but they cause so much conflict. Like, I believe in same-sex marriage, And that's my opinion, but you could totally disagree. It just flabbergasts me that something so simple as my opinion which could be sculpted around values And raising could cause so many conundrums.


I know this is a controversial topic but I, personally, hate being gay. I WISH I could be within the social norms And be heterosexual but, to my disadvantage, I'm not. And, they're is nothing wrong with being homosexual or other sexual orientation, I just get so heartbroken and judged upon me liking girls that I feel awkward in my own skin.

There are more but I shall end it there. But BTW NEVER tell someone that there belief or values are wrong because It's rude, unjust, And makes you look ugly.

(I.e. don't say that someone who practices witchcraft is a follower of Satan).


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