Scrooge Party

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Since Kaitlyn wrote a party entry, I guess I will.

I walked in with Pizza and set that down then headed to the stairwell where I see a bunch of people but the only one I noticed was Chris. My heart started to beat a mile a minute. I tried to steer my attention somewhere else so I could talk like a normal person, like Josh, but then he came and STOOD NEXT TO ME so that didn't help. Then Kaitlyn came (Thank Gods) so I could divert my attention somewhere else.

We decided to play manhunt as more people started coming in. I didn't want to play at first, but Chris said "I'll play if you play" so I had to. Michael picked me on his team. Chris said he wanted to be on Michael's team, and when he was picked, got all excited. We played and stuff and eventually gave up. Blah blah blah. Then We went to watch the show. I sat down next to Cody and Chris was behind me and We started to watch. When my scene came, I didn't want to watch, but Cody pratically pried my eyes open. At the end of my scene, the bed didn't come on so Scrooge and I had to improv lines and apparently I was being sarcastic and I said

"Those were always her favorite (the flowers)"

"Not anymore.."

XD they cracked up.

We watched and then it was done.

Then there was the credits. My name was right under Chris's. I said "Look, You're on top of me!" And he said "always am" not realizing how dirty that sounded...then he realized, went red in the face, then walked away. Blah blah blah they left, not saying good bye blah, blah, blah then I followed Josh around, he kissed me, wasn't enjoyable, then Chris texted me about how he was Sorry he didn't say bye. He said Olive juice <3 and then I rode home with the Fuller's, then sat on my couch crying over Chris.

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