The rest of sixth grade

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Hey guys so um I forgot about this story so this chapter I'm going to sum up sixth grade so that the nest chapter can be about my seventh grade year.


Well, then, after that we STAYED ENEMIES for a very long time.

I found with many friends, including one friend named Brent.

Brent was part Asian part Hispanic and was tall and had dark black hair and a beautiful smile.

Long story short we started dating. I was so happy. Then his ex girlfriend, Sophia, got jealous, started a bunch of drama with me and was the reason on the last day of school he broke up with me and I cried in my best friend Zach's arms on our way to drama.

Just saying, Sophia is a bitch. If you know her, you'll agree. She's clingy and loves to start drama then acts like you were the one who did everything wrong.

The people who were probably my best friends that year were Gianna, Kenny, Zach, Kaitlyn, and Sonia.

That summer, I went to summer camp at my local community center, like always. During that time I got really depressed because of Brent and my friend Zach (that I soon developed a crush on). Then I got back to school the next year.


Okay I know that was a really quick summary of a whole school year so if you have any questions comment and I'll answer them.

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