Taco is Love, Taco is Life

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I am sorry I have been talking about taco a lot. I just...it has been bothering me.

I cry in private, have to restrain myself from killing the butterflies, and I just feel so isolated, vulnerable, alone. She is really close to me, yet, very far.

I feel Like I am loving a fictional character that I interact with every day. I can never have them but It's teasing me with It's lustful smiles and beautiful laughs. I am just so sick of loving people who don't love me back.

Love is difficult. Why must I love her? She doesn't love me, at all. It pains me. My stomach is literally in knots when I see her because she just glances At me and goes on.

Wouldn't care if I left. She'd be Like "Bye". It pains me emotionally and mentally. I just hope it doesn't go as far as physically.


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