The Gap

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Sorry, I know I'm writing a lot today. I'm bored.

But do you ever feel a gap? Distance. Standing between you and something you love. Whether that's physical distance or emotional distance or mental distance, it's distance. A trench of darkness leading to the abyss of pain.

I feel that gap. Between me and someone I love. And I'm not sure if its physical or emotional or mental. And I pray that it won't break us apart. But I'm afraid it will.

He says that he's strong enough and it depends on me if it lasts but I feel my sadness is just going to counteract my judgement. Is just not as romantic as it once was. It's like we're friends except we can't talk about anything happy. And....I think he pities me. That's the only reason he says he loves me.

I'm sorry for complaining a bunch and stuff but I need to let it out.

I think we'll be separate soon.


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