Pretty Bad

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So, um, something has been racing through my head the past fortnight.

And I want to talk to somebody about it, especially one of my close friends but I can't.

The thing is, I can't talk to Kaitlyn about it because she might either be confused because of something else or really won't care enough to help me.

I can't talk to Julia about it because I don't know how much she knows or if she even wants to talk to me.

I would talk to Gianna but I don't know how to approach her And I feel like I'd bother her.

So I'm trying to figure this out by myself And It's hard.

I'm really worried about everything And I don't what to do And I'm just sick of everything. And then I have No one to ever talk to. I mean, do you guys realize that I'm confused And that trying to deal with my sexuality is HARD? Because it is, And I'm about to break. I feel like I'm surrounded by people yet I'm so lonely.



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