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So, as one of my electives for freshman year, I am taking Naval JROTC. This week they have an optional Basic Leadership Training from 8am to 2pm.

I'm on my third day and I guess I am enjoying it?

I have made no friends and the physical training has left every muscle in my body to be so sore.

Being the nerd that I am, I was interested in joining the Academic Team. I was the only female freshmen interested.

You know, the smart thing to do, would be to study different information before hand while it's Summer and you don't have any other homework. So naturally, I memorized all the ranks and made flash cards for the Orders of the Sentry (11 rules for the navy).

Apparently, this was one of the most impressive things to do ever?

When I said I made flashcards, all of the Officers were already impressed. Then, when I knew information they hadn't even taught yet, I got a hug from the Commander of the Academic Team.

She ended up "recruiting" me to the Academics Team.

Yet, I still don't have friends.

Funny story, on the first day, we were learning basic drill commands and the petty officer commanding our squad was trying to get us to answer loudly. So I put my best theatre projecting voice and got my voice out there.

Petty Officer: "C'mon! I can hear King the most and she's a chick!"

Chief: "Hey, that's sexism!"

Lieutenant Commander: "Yeah it's 2015!"

I thought it was funny.

And I still like my hair.




I miss you guys

Love me.

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