I don't get it

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There's a lot of things in this world that I don't understand-Donald Trump, how cats purr, computer programming. Another thing I do not understand is how people "love".

I met a boy in August of last year, one that was just 5'4, 120 lbs of human. He was just a person. But as I began to know him, see his humor and intelligence and his thoughts, that is when I began to become interested in him. When I took a glimpse at his soul.

Many people I know said "Oh, he's not attractive" or "he's just a nerd". Yet, I saw more than that.

There's a song I really like that says "It's ugly but it's clean" and that is how I think of him. In my eyes, I see the inside before the outside and cannot be interested in someone romantically until I know them personally. I search for a pure soul, not a pretty face.

So, what I do not get is how someone could try to get someone's number or have sex with someone without knowing them?

Many hormonal teens may look at me cockeyed and all but I can't relate. I might find someone attractive but really, I'll play overdramatic. I might say "they get me all hot and bothered" when in reality they are very pretty and I just would like to get to know them first. 

I don't know. Maybe I'm old fasioned. Maybe I am not hormonal (which may be a blessing).

I just don't get it.

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