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Now I live with this mentality that everyone should except everyone else's beliefs. IT WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER. In my religion, we're not supposed to judge or hate on other religions. The only thing we do dislike about, foresay, Christianity, is that they hate on other religions.

And I would be open with my religion except the fact that my religion is frowned upon by all other religions. IT IS A SIN. Like what????

My religion believes in homosexuality, and actually a majority of my religion is homosexual.

The only 'sin' is to hurt others. And the punishment? "Whatever thy do, expect it in threefolds". Meaning whatever we do, good or bad, will come back 3x the power of what you had done.

And we're not supposed to convert anyone. We let what people believe in believe in whatever they want.

I'm not trying to prove a point of my religion, I just wish people would tolerate others.


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