Who are you?

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Who are you?

That's a question we may ask ourselves a lot.

But do we know the answer?

We know the physical aspects that make us us like atoms and our names.

But do we know who we are?

I mean, who do you love? Don't answer automatically, like seriously, who do you love? Do you love your family? Do you love your friends?

Answer that for me.

What do you believe?

What are your values? Do you value honesty? Respect?

What is your religion? What great almighty force do you have faith in?

Answer that for me?

Would you die for a friend?

Like all jokes aside, imagine yourself and your 'best friend' and one of you has to get shot in the head and the other has to watch. What would you do?

Answer that for me.

Answering some of these questions can help you find you.


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