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Many people strive to witness the "7 Wonders of the World", believing that only seeing those will they die without regrets and move on in which ever way they believe the dead move on.

But what wonders are we actually witnessing? What miracles give life purpose?

I hope to see the seven wonders before I die. But not the seven sites others hope for.

I hope to see true friendship. A pair of two souls who understand one another, love one another, and live for one another with no strings attached.

I hope to see true love. Two carcasses whom, not only lust, but implore each other.

I hope to see a mother and a child. The glee in her eyes has she stares down in awe of her creation, paranoid of the rusted world surrounding it.

I hope to see a flower grow. A lifeform that Mother Nature created magnificently, blossoming into something bigger and more beautiful.

I hope to see someone help another out of pure empathy. Assisting another being purely because it would make the other person's life better.

I hope to see knowledge. Knowledge gathering within the mind of young and old alike, amazing anyone who comes by it.

And, lastly, I hope to see beauty. Whether that be in a face or in an action or in a word or in a glance. Just pure beauty.

Those things are what I hope to see before I die.

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