RE: It's Time To Let Go

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I feel like I've just been broken up with Lol.

So, many people don't know but my dad has left my mom and I three times. Once when I was a baby, again when I was six and again when I was 11.

I haven't seen my father in three years. He started hawking my things for drug money, he's gotten aggressive while drinking, and he left me and my mom mentally. No contact for three years. I know y'all may have step dad's and the like but you get to see him, correct me if I'm wrong.

So that's one person who's let me go.

Along with my father, all of the family on his side, which was a lot, seemed to vanish as well.

So that's over 30 people Who have let me go.

I moved a lot when I was younger, and I changed schools 7 times. Howard is the only school I've been at longer than two years. It has grown on me. But I become attached to people easily so I made very close friends in those schools. I had to let them go.

I'm sorry that I love people dearly to my heart. I'm sorry that you lot are the people I'd die for, no exaggeration. During the friends of Rachel speech, when they asked to picture those you hold REALLY dearly to your heart, you guys popped up.

You all are the only reason I'm still here. If you guys hadn't been with me, I would've killed myself.

I've already relapsed because of Chris, I have twice, once being last night. If you guys leave, I'm as good as dead. No one truly cares for me. I don't mean to sound whiny but it's the fucking truth. Y'all are my lifeline. I may be clingy and possessive but thats What I've got. Three people. One left, and I still haven't gotten over it. If you guys leave...

The point of the story is, I can't let go. I'm not Elsa. I fucking hate that movie.

If you guys leave, to be honest, all I would have left is pun based humour.

Frankly, at this point, I do not care if We aren't a group anymore, I want you individually. You're mine. I signed the papers. I pay the mortgage.

And Ms.Motormouth, the only drama That's going on is your 6th period.

Until the next dramatic, depressing entry,

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