Respect Titles

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Tayler has just been absolutely fed up with people. She truly wishes she was a boy. She isn't going to go transgender, don't worry. She just thinks it would be easier and that people would treat her with more respect if she was a man. While she doesn't understand why having a penis earns you more respect, she rolls with it.

Just a few hours ago, the little bug, Reyce, whom Tayler is starting to get mad at, started to say, "Oh, Tayler, you're so bisexual!"

But I'm not, said Tayler. She isn't. She once was out as bi but never truly felt entitled to that label, back when she was more ignorant of the LGBT community. She kept insisting that she's not but he kept arguing. How can he argue for who she is when he isn't her? This question still baffles her.
She wishes I hand the keyboard to her.

Hey, guys.

I just...don't get taken seriously. I'm lesbian? 'Meh, she's confused'. I'm pagan? 'Do you worship Satan?'. I'm sorry I don't fit to your standards. I do not conform to society, nor do I expect it to conform to me.


So there's this girl, I'll call her LeatherBack, that is in one of my classes. She's REALLY nice, and like when ever I do something she compliments me. Today, she got really excited to invite me to sit next to her and she was just staring at me. I'm not saying I like like her but I just can't stop thinking about her. And she's really pretty, too...

With my luck she's probably straight...

*hint* she's in my dance class *hint*

-Tayler and Jasper

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