New Beginnings

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Sorry for any mistakes



Ayo Dev just texted sayin Yani in labor


Just as I was about to call Lonnie and Reya my an incoming call Lonnie  came in.

"I'm putting my shoes on now" I said

"Ok  Reya on her way to get me"

I pulled up to the hospital 20 mins and saw everyone including Yani's dad, Dave's mom and Devin's brother and sister in the waiting room. Their mothers were in the delivery room.

"Any news" I asked as I walked over to them

"Dev texted about 10 mins ago she started pushing"

Reya, Lonnie and I squealed with excitement

About an hour later a wide grinning Devin came out to the waiting room looking a little traumatized but oh so happy

"My little man is here"

The guys dapped him up and we gave him hugs.

Jameer Devin Johnson was beautiful and was a good mix between Yani and Devin. They looked like they were on cloud 9 admiring the little person they created.

As were in the room everyone taking turns holding little Jameer and talking Dave's mom decided to say

"So Dave you ready for another one"

Everyones attention turned to me and I just froze

"Ma chiiiiilll" he said to her

"I wouldn't be surprised if Kori not pregnant in the next few months" Yani's mom, Penelope chimed in

"Come on leave them alone" Yani's Dad, Charles said

"Thank you unc" Dave said

"Yea besides the focus is on Reya anyway as we prepare for the new arrival" I said

"I can't wait to plan your baby shower" Lonnie said to Reya

"Knowing your mother I know she was jumping for excitement J"

"She was but she called it before Reya went to the doctors" J said shaking his head

Good the conversation is not on me anymore

About a week and half later Dave asked if I could pick up the lunch he ordered for them at the shop since I was off. I opened the door with the bags in my hand when I saw this girl I had never seen before Eli must be off today.

"Hey you the delivery girl, thanks the tip is on the counter" she said as she took the bags from me and walked towards the back

I stood there for a second trying to replay what just happened before I walked towards where everyone was.

"Did I forget something" the girl asked with a scowl on her face. Everyone stopped and looked to see how this played out

"Nope" I said

"Where is Dave? He must be in his office. I'll take it to him" As she was about to walk away she turned to me again

"Why are you still here"

I smiled "I'll go take this to who was it Dave" I grabbed the bag from her and walked away

"Yo what the fuck" I heard her say

I entered Dave's office to see he was just getting off a call. Before I could say anything

"Sorry Dave the delivery person insisted she bring your food"

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