Oh My

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I found myself at Kori's house because I was too fucked up to make it to my house on the other side of town. She stood there in her shorts and tank confused.

"I'm fucked, can I crash on your couch"

"Uh..ye...yea" she opened the door wider so I could come in. Once she closed it she went into the hall closet and pulled out a blanket and pillow. My eyes followed her every move, she was so gentle with everything she did.

"The bathroom is the door on your right when you down the hall"

I nodded "Heard ju thanks"

"Mhm" was all she said before going into her room and closing the door

When I woke up my head was killing me. My phone was vibrating and looked to see my mom was calling.

"Hello" I answered in a groggily voice

"Hey dad"

"Hey lil man" I squinted and looked to see what time it was...9:45

"Dad grammy said I can go with her to see aunty Candace"

I rubbed my hands down my face. "I don't know DJ"

"Pleeeease I want to go"

I sighed "Ok, you can go and you better be good"

"I will bye daddy"

"See you lil man"

I honestly didn't want him going to see my sister because she going to do is try and fill DJ head up about how I don't love her. I love my sister don't get me wrong but she doesn't make the best decisions. She is 25 with 3 kids and don't know where non their fathers are. I help her out financially but she too lazy to go find work so she can provide. I plan to go talk to her very soon.

As sat on the couch with my head in my hands I hear something being placed on the table. I look up and see a pill bottle and a water bottle.

"Thanks" I said

"You're welcome" she said before she turned on her heels

"You hungry" I asked

She shrugged "Go get dressed"

We were headed to my place so I could shower and change. Kori had been real quite and I'm not sure why but I ain't say nothing.

We were sitting in IHOP waiting on our food she sat there scrolling through her phone.

"Why you so quite" I asked


I looked up as I heard his voice.

"No reason" I said

He licked his lips "You have a good time"

"Yea but it seems you enjoyed yourself as well" she said giggling

"Hell yea and I'm feeling it"

I was about to say something but was interrupted

"Oh so this why you haven't been answering my phone. You with the nurse bitch"

I frowned see who she was talking to

"Bria go head somewhere I'm not in the mood"

"Naw I've been calling you and you with the next bitch"

"You can chill with the bitch word" he said

"Whatever all I know is my son better be good since you want to run around town always talking about me"

The look in Dave's eyes were cold kind of how they were when I first met him. He had no emotion and the if looks could kills she'd be 6 feet under.

Bria's friend saw and tried to get her to leave "Come on girl let's go"

"No, because I'm tired of this nigga always thinking he can control me but do whatever he want to do" she said with a smile

Dave smirked "It's all good Bria I see you want to make a scene and know I won't handle things how I normally would but my boy Rico and KC said come through" her smile instantly dropped and fear came into her eyes

"Fuck you Dave" she said before finally leaving out

After that it was dead awkward silence we even ate in silence. As we headed back to my place I could tell he had something on his mind.

"You going home or want to come chill" he asked never taking his eyes off the road

"I'll come chill" I had nothing else to do and was off the next two days and I knew Reya, Lonnie and Yani were hungover

We didn't do much but watch movies. He got a few calls that he took in private but for the most part it was chill. I walked out the bathroom back into his room to see he was sleep with one hand behind his head and the other in his sweatpants. Why do guys do that.

I left his room to let him sleep because he looked so exhausted mentally and physically. As I sat on the living room couch my phone rung.

"Look who has risen from the dead" I said

"Fuck you bitch I feel like I'm dead, damn why you let me drink so much" Reya said with a groggy voice

"Well if I'm not mistaken ms. It's my man's birthday I'm bout to get lit litty" I said mocking her

"Ugh next time just take the bottle away"

I laughed "Where Lonnie"

"She got here like 30 minutes ago sound like she just got out the shower"

"Mhm both of ya'll were feeling good and even Yani ass was looking like she was trying to give Dev a baby"

She laughed "Hell yea it was so much going on I wouldn't be surprised if someone ended up pregnant"

"Well I'll be expecting a call from one of ya'll in a few weeks"

"Um no but you just went home afterwards" She asked

"Yep then I hear a knock on the door to see Dave talking about can he sleep on the couch he was too fucked up to drive all the way home"

"Oh please Kori he wanted to be there with you because Dave has driven home before feeling good"

She was right I hadn't though about that.

"I didn't think about that"

"Mhmmm hmm what you been up to all day"

"Dave and I went to breakfast and I've been at his house watching movies but he fell asleep so I came downstairs"

"Awwwww Lonnie our girl Kori is spending time with her boo"

I rolled my eyes "Ugh goodbye" I laughed as hung up the phone and when I looked up I saw Dave standing in front of me yawning but my eyes were fixed on the bulge in his pants. I swallowed hard

"Hey sleepyhead"

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