The Past

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Sorry for being so short, but wanted to post something...


I fell back on the couch and released a breath I was holding in. Kori had just left and some how she found out I was fucking with someone else.

"Who is the bitch" Kori asked as soon as I opened the door

"Lower ya voice just put DJ down"

She rolled her eyes "Answer me"

"Look it's nothing aiight I got some top from ol girl I used to hook up with when I was out in California"

"So you just ignore me and then give me the cold shoulder when you saw"

"You lied"

"No you assumed and guess what you liar as well then"

I bit my lip "We've both been busy and I needed to release some stress and shorty was in town and hit me up"

"Really, that's your excuse wow you know what Dave you a fuckin idiot and always will be"

I said nothing but stared at her and she looked away "Well you can fuckin leave" she turned to leave when I stopped her saying "And for the record you ignored the shit out of so don't cry now" she flipped me off and stormed off to her car

I don't get it I was hitting her up but she would always have some type of excuse as to why she couldn't meet up. It all made sense when I saw her at the club. Here I was falling for this chick and she out her lying to me making me look like a sucka.

I like shorty, but I don't like being lied to.


I was sitting at the hospital with J who now is doing better since the fever has gone down. Now he is able to go home today and I am so happy since I hate hospitals.

"Babe, you good" J asked as he walked out the bathroom from changing clothes

I snapped out of my trance "Ye...yea"

"You ready since I've already been discharged"

"I'll pull the car up" I said as I walked out to the parking lot

This parking lot brings back so many memories from when J rushed me to the hospital because I had began bleeding and cramping. The car door slammed which snapped me out yet another chance.

"You sure you good" J asked as he rub my thigh

"Yea, you need to go by the pharmacy for your prescription right" I asked

"Yea and I need some orange juice"

"Ok, oh and your mom said to call her"

Since was on the phone I decided to go into CVS and pick up what he needed. I headed to the cashier when something caught my eye. I bit my lip and grabbed a pregnancy test.



It was Friday night and the girls and I were out at favorite club "Mystic" and I may have had one too many shots, 6 to be exact. Reya and Yani were tipsy and Lonnie decided not to drink so she was the designated driver. It had been a long week at the hospital and Yani wanted to let loose because she was under a lot of stress at work.

I was on the dance floor when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and when I looked at Yani and Reya their faces fell. I instantly turned around and saw the last person I thought I'd see.

"Gio" I said with a frown and jerked out of his grip

"Awww baby you not happy to see me" he said with a sly grin

"Hell naw what are you doing here"

"Oh so you thought you getting me locked up would keep me away, let's just say I know people in high places" he said grinning

"Come on lets go K" Reya said while grabbing my hand

"You can't hide from me too long" he said with a smirk

We left out the club in silence.

"So much for letting loose" Yani said as she opened up the car door

"I know right where this nigga come from" Reya said

Lonnie started the car "All I know this he better not start no shit ugh he always knows how to make your skin crawl"

"Fuck him" I said

It had been a week since the encounter with Gio and I can admit I've been on edge since looking over my shoulder. Gio is crazy always has been, I met him when I was in 11th grade when I was working at Foot Locker. He was so nice at first but once I graduated he started acting different. I found out he had got this girl that was a year ahead of me in school pregnant he got worse. I broke up with him but he would find me wherever I went I tried staying with Reya and Lonnie he came to their apartment and dragged me out, I would be at the club he'd send his boys to get me. I could not get away from him I had to lie to my family telling them I was busy with school when I hadn't even been in school Gio made sure I'd never register. One night I was at his apartment being watched when I got a call saying his trap house had got raided. Everything happened so fast that I didn't realize how I ended up in the hospital from being almost beaten to death. Gio thought I had set him up, apparently someone got into his head about it and had a hit put out on me. Although, I tried to tell him it wasn't me he didn't care. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison and once he was sentenced I put all that behind me and I finally felt like I had my life back. So I wouldn't have to explain to my parents about being behind in school I started at the strip club working 6 days a week saving and started classes.

"Ugh" I said as I threw my phone down

A unknown number had kept calling me for the past 2 hours. Just as I closed my eyes there was a knock at the door and my eyes instantly jolted open. I tiptoed to the door and looked out the peephole and saw that it was Reya. When I opened the door it was Reya at door looking like she had been crying.

"What's going on" I asked nervous

"Dave and J are in the hospital they got shot"

My eyes got wide "OMG are they ok" I asked as I slid on my slides

"I...I don't know Lonnie came running into my room saying there was a shoot out and Dave and J were rushed to the hospital"

"Shit ok let's go"

We arrived at the hospital and saw everyone in the lobby and Lonnie was sitting beside J's mom crying with her head down.

Juan was over in the corner with some of the other guys.

"Have ya'll heard anything" she asked Juan

"Naw" Juan simply said looking like he was running on adrenaline I knew they wanted to go out for revenge but wanted to be there for his boys first.

We waited another 2 hours and finally the doctor came out.

"Family of David East" 

We all stood up with Dave's parents at the front.

"Yes, how is he"

"He lost a lot of blood but were able to stop the bleeding in his leg"

There was a sigh of relief

"What about Joseph White" J's mom asked with tears

"Mr. White suffered a gunshot to the arm and shoulder and he is expected to be alright"

We all were so relieved and 2 people were allowed at time in their rooms.

"You going back" Yani asked

"Naw, we weren't on good times the last time we talked"

"Oh come on we all know you are anxious to see him and he deep down want to see him" She said while dragging me in the back

When we walked in the room he was watching TV. 

"Hey punk" Yani said grabbing his attention but his face turned into a cold stare with no emotion

"Get the fuck out my room"

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