Back on Good Terms

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Next Day

Yani and Dave had been blowing my phone all day. After I saw Kim and Dave looking real comfortable my whole mood change and right then I realized I was really feeling him. I sat on the couch drinking my drink looking out at the dance floor and everyone kept trying to talk to me but I told them I was fine. Yani had been trying to explain to me about what was going on but I told her I didn't want to talk about it.

When I got home of course I saw Dave's car sitting out front of my condo. I contemplated going in or just going somewhere else. When I walked in he was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Dave, how did you get in here" I asked while rolling my eyes and leaning against the wall

"Not important" he said consumed with his cell phone

"Well you can leave"

"Naw we need to talk"

"No we don't"

His eyes jumped over to me and I instantly looked away

"Look I'm sorry about what went down last night I didn't know she was coming here"

"Bullshit you know she was going to be in the wedding"

He sighed "She was just someone I hooked up with when I went to visit Yani while she was in school. She didn't like it and had been wanting to tell you but didn't want to hurt your feelings since she knew we had been spending time together"

"Well, too late"

"I talked to Kim last night to let her know what I told her a year ago is that we were only fuck buddies and she knew that"

"Did she really" I asked and he shook his head

"Yea because I wouldn't had continued if she didn't understand"

I just stared at him and he looked like he was being genuine. He stood up and walked over to me and put his hands on my waist and gave me a peck on the lips and it just felt so right.

"Never felt this way about someone before"

He left to head back to the shop and left me smiling because I never saw that side of Dave. I called and told Yani I wasn't mad with her was just upset that she never said anything.


I had just finished with a tattoo and was cleaning my station when I heard the shop door open and when I looked up it was Kim. I cursed under my breath as she walked over to me.

"Hey Dave" she said with a smile


"Nothing just finished up with Yani and was bored in my hotel so I decided come by to see if you wanted to get something to eat since I don't have your number"

"Yani told me you said you were suppose to be going to eat with your aunt and uncle" I said with a frown

She looked surprised "Uh yea I was I just um decided to come by and see if you wanted to tag along"

"Naw I'm good"

"Ok well do you want to get up tomorrow" she asked hopeful

"I got plans"

She sucked her teeth "Ugh fine Dave" she turned around about to make a scene

"You better chill before I let Yahkeel know you out here acting up" I said with a smirk and she looked like a deer caught in head lights

She ain't know I knew she was fucking with my homie back in New Orleans, after I said that she hurried out the shop.

All I could do shake my head as I finished cleaning and locked up the shop and headed to mom's to pick up DJ and when I got there I saw one of my litter sisters Deena was there.

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