F****d Up Truth

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A month had passed since the incident at the hospital and everyone was confused as to why reacted the way he did towards me. I had been trying to rack my brain trying to figure out why he didn't want to talk or see me. My feelings were hurt and I wanted to be there for him and it didn't make it any better I had to go to work everyday knowing he was there and I couldn't visit and check on him during the day.

"I'm sorry girl I tried again today" Yani said on the other end of the phone

"It's alright I'm glad he is home and getting back to a normal routine"

She laughed "You're such a nurse"

I rolled my eyes "Whatever" there was a knock on the door

"I'll talk to you later Yani there is someone at my door"

"Ok boo talk you later"

I looked through the peephole and was surprised who was standing there.



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She looked opened the door surprised but I just held my glare. She hesitated to let me in. We sat on the couch me staring while played with her fingers because she was nervous.

"You know your little boyfriend had me setup" I broke the silence

Her head shot up with a confused look

"Don't act like you don't know who I'm talking about"

"I - I don't Dave"

"Oh so Gio doesn't ring a bell"

Her face held no emotion "I had nothing to do with that and he is not my boyfriend"

I smirked and I knew she hate it "That's not what I've been told you were with him for a while oh so once he got sent to jail ya'll were no more"

"You can't believe everything you hear"

"So you didn't set him up"

"No, just like I told everyone else I don't know what happened this nigga used to have me locked up and watched because he was insecure and I was accused of setting him up and having his operation taken down when he was the kingpin. How could someone who had no contact with the outside world do something like that. My parents, brother and friends tried to contact me but nothing. I went through hell and once he got raided and put the blame on me he had me beaten to the point I loss my child my own flesh and blood I was unrecognizable for the longest. My family and friends didn't even know who I was and in a coma for 2 weeks. So no Dave I had nothing to do with you being setup so FUCK GIO" she yelled the last part

By now she was crying and pissed off.

"Did he know you were pregnant" I asked

She looked away and nodded her head yes "I was 6 weeks but he had just had a baby a few weeks before with the chick he cheated no me with"

I nodded my head and got off the couch and headed out without another word


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"How you feeling" I asked J

He shrugged "Arm still sore but the meds helping"

Over the past month I've been at J's place changing gauze and filling prescriptions. Them getting shot scared everyone but we know who it was and J said it's being taken care of.

"How are you" he asked as he sat on the couch next to me

I knew he could tell a difference in me but I never said anything and he knows why. I forget he knows me better then I know myself sometimes.

I couldn't look him in the face "It happened again"

He instantly pulled me into a hug and the tears started flowing.

I had....my 3rd miscarriage.

I was leaving from the gym headed to the tattoo shop to drop off a prescription to Dave. When I got there I was greeted by everyone and saw Dave sitting in the reception area talking to some female. When he finally noticed me he stared at me then down my body since I still had on my gym clothes on.

"Here you go" I handed him the prescription as the girl stared at me and oddly she looked familiar

"Thanks" he said as he placed it on the table

"Kor Kor" Ray said coming from the back with his client behind him going to pay

"Hey Ray Ray" I said while giving him a hug "Bye ya'll I'm headed out oh and Cree girl I'm coming back for the piercings we talked about"

She winked at me "I got you"

As I walked out the shop I felt an uneasy feeling but I brushed it off and went home


"Got you mothafucka" 

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