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**I made an update to the cast photos once again lol** Sorry for the wait I've had some things going on the last couple months. Enjoy

Kori - Reya & Lonnie's 6pm

I hadn't seen Dave all week due to our schedules with work. Reya was currently goin on about some shit Juan did and now he on her shit list.

"Come on you can't be mad at him for not rubbing your feet maybe he was tired" I said as I applied mascara

"He was not tired he had no problem asking me to swing on the pole. Hell naw I just told you my feet were hurting from work"

I just busted out laughing at her because she was being ridiculous but I said nothing else. We were heading to Walt's pool party who is one of the guys that be with Dave and them and I wasn't going to go but Reya and Yani convinced me.

Lonnie and Yani came into Reya room with cups and handed each of us one.

"Is this jungle juice" Reya asked

"Yep I made two batches"Yani answered

"Ya'll cute" I said as they had on swimsuits under their clothes

"Thanks girl, I know Juan is going to have a fit when he see you" Yani said to Reya and she shrugged non-nonchalant obviously not caring since he was on her bad side

They hadn't seen my swimsuit cause I had shorts and a tank top on. I low key wanted to change because I knew Dave ass would have something to say but oh well too late now.

About an hour later the Uber dropped us off because were too lit. When we walked into the backyard there were so many people some we knew some we didn't. After about 30 minutes of greeting and talking to people we spotted the guys sitting under one of the cabana's drinking and talking. We walked over to them and all eyes were on us.

Lonnie went over to J and gave him a kiss, Yani went and sat on Devin's lap, Reya rolled her eyes as Juan pulled her into him. I stood there for a second and sat down by Dave and took out my phone. I tried to play things like they used to when Dave and I barely talked in public. I was interrupted by his deep raspy voice "So you ain't goin say shit" I shrugged

Then what he did next shocked not only me but everyone around us...he gave me a kiss and not just a peck more like I ain't seen you in a week kind of kiss. When we separated we saw all eyes were on us, Dave smirked as he wiped some of my lip gloss off his lips.

"What the fuck" Lonnie said

"Right like we knew ya'll fucked a couple times but um what we miss"

"Looks like my nigga is off the market" J said with a grin and dapped Dave up followed by Dev and Juan

"Bitch you won't going to tell us you ain't shit" Lonnie said with her hand on her chest

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics "It's only been a week" I said

"And she already getting on my fuckin nerves" Dave blurted and I smacked him in his chest

"See always want to put your hands on someone" he said as he passed the blunt to Yani

Honcho, one of Dave's workers came over to where we were and gave a look and the guys got up and told us they'd be back later. We ate and drank a little more before we got in the pool.

As we were getting out the pool the guys were coming back seems like they were gone for hours. I didn't see them, I went to grab my towel and felt someone behind me. I turned to see Dave staring at me and what I had on.

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